Sowing and Reaping

This devotional is from one of the kiddo’s YouVersion Holy Bible app plans given to them in the month of May (“May the Fourth be With You!). It is from“PRIME, Living a life of adventure, splendor and glory” by BigStuf @ Enjoy! - Robin 

Sowing and Reaping


Galatians 6:7-8 (ESV)

7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. 8 For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

Star Wars is the fifth highest grossing movie franchise in the history of cinema. It has grossed more than $4.4 billion thanks to its epic dark side vs light side tale. It’s not just a great picture of what’s going on in a long time ago in a galaxy far far away – it’s a great picture of what’s going on inside of us 

We all experience the light – when things are going well and we feel like we’re on track and making good decisions and life is like it’s supposed to be. But just like in Star Wars, no matter how bright the light gets, the dark is not that far off. And before we can ever grab a hold of the prime life….we’re going to have to deal with the dark side.

Have you ever done something that you didn’t think was admirable, or right, or kind, or loving, or godly? That’s the dark side And while we kind of think we can play around the dark side and have our fun, and God will make it all right in the end, Paul has some bombshell words. This is what he says: “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” (Galatians 6:7)

What you plan now is going to pop out of the ground later. And every day, every morning, every time you’re with your friends, every time you open your internet browser, every time you’re in the classroom or on the field, you get to choose what to sow: light side or dark side.

In your relationships you can sow selfishness or selflessness. In your family dynamics you can sow diligence or laziness. In your character you can sow integrity or dishonesty. In your relationship with God you can sow time with God or time ignoring God.

And what you choose is a big deal because a person reaps what they sow. Check out what he says next:

“Those who sow to satisfy their own sinful nature (the dark side!) will reap decay and death from that sinful nature. But those who sow to please the Spirit (the light side!) will reap everlasting life from the Spirit” (Galatians 6:8) NLT

You have a major role to play in living the prime life because you reap what you sow! And the greatest thing is, it doesn’t matter what your track record is. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve failed or how many promises you’ve broken. You can start sowing the light in your life right now because HE is with you.

This summer can be the summer you become the person God designed you to be because he is with you and his grace will never run out.  Let’s start sowing the light!

For the Kiddos:


  • What is God saying to you through this passage and devotional?

  • What “dark side things” do you need to work on?


Read the Bible Passages. (Galatians 6:7-8 (ESV)) For younger children, a picture Bible may be used. 


Take a few seconds, or maybe a minute to sit with the scripture in silence. This might be a great time to choose a different place to do your devotional time. Maybe sit outside or in the backyard and be still and let God’s word work in their hearts!


  • What are some things you can do this summer to shine your light (from Christ) to others? (helping out a neighbor, mowing someone’s lawn, helping with dishes, cleaning your room)

  • What do you want to sow this summer – light or dark? And how will you sow it?


Affirm what was discussed about the story.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr

Love your neighbor (and your siblings too!) 

Praise God, Give thanks, Pray for others, confess sins, Praise God!


Father God – thank you for the light of Christ who lives within each of us. Help us to sow good things in our life, our family and our community. Teach us to be radiant lights of hope in this world. We pray this in Jesus’ name - Amen.
