Just Divine!


Genesis 1:27

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Many people experience poor self-image today. Did you know that approximately 91% of all women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting to achieve their ideal weight?[1]  I know I am part of that statistics! I think I have been on a diet for most of my life and as I get older, I realize I need to be happy with how God made me.

Although we might blame various underlying issues (like family genetics!), poor self image is rooted in an inability to understand and accept some eternal truths contained in today’s scripture. When we fail to hold on to the truth that we’re created in God’s image, we’re left trying to fill the empty spaces in our spirits with “our own truths” or false ideas the world promotes instead of filling those spaces with what’s actually true.


Studies of the phrase “made in the image of God” repeatedly reveal the descriptor “divine.” Past generations used the term “divine” to mean “as good as it gets!” (“This chicken alfredo tastes divine!” or “That is a divine ride!”) Now terms like “tight,” “dope,” “lit,” or “gucci” are used instead by the Millennials and Gen Z’s. But no matter our age or terms we use for “as good as it gets,” when we talk about God, “divine” means “infinite miles higher than how good we can even imagine it to be!”

Because we do reflect God’s divine image, any poor self-image we may carry is because we aren’t grasping how awesomely God designed and created us. We’re not perfect. Our image has been tarnished by sin. And often we twist the perfectness with which God created us to conform to our own feelings or ideas. But that doesn’t in any way negate that God created us perfectly to live into the part of His plan God has for us. Remember that if you ever find yourself battling poor self-image. God made you in His image…Perfectly!  And take comfort in knowing that God does not make mistakes.


What are some things about yourself for which you tend to ask “Why this, God?”

Ask God for the courage to more fully speak with and listen to God about what He has for you because of the awesomeness with/in which God created you.


Use some of the technology at your disposal to search the scriptures for what God thinks about you and how God looks upon you as one of His creations. (If you don’t know how to do that, start with tools like “Bible Gateway” or “Bible Hub.” You can word-search and phrase-search within these apps... you can start with “fearfully,” “wonderfully,” “good,” “created” and then think of others... )


Father God, there are times when I look in the mirror and just ask “Why?” Sometimes I allow a mean word from another to tear away at my spirit. There are just times I don’t or can’t grasp the fact that You made me perfectly for the plan You have for my life. Help me to remember to look to the abundant life Jesus promised when we trust Him for our every step. Thank you for creating all of us in Your perfect and divine image. Help me to abide in You always. In the precious name of Jesus – Amen!

[1] “11 Facts About Body Image,” https://www.dosomething.org/us/facts/11-facts-about-body-