“Let Go and Let God”

From Robin Wiley:

Broken Dreams

As children bring their broken toys
With tears for us to mend.
I brought my broken dreams to God
Because He was my Friend.

But then instead of leaving Him
In peace to work alone,
I hung around and tried to help
With ways that were my own.

At last, I snatched them back and cried,
"How could You be so slow"-
"My child," He said,
"What could I do? You never did let go."

— Author: Loretta P Burns

Have you ever experienced a broken dream? Or a broken heart? I experience broken hearts every time I facilitate a GriefShare session. There is nothing quite like the devastation of a lost loved one. A broken heart from a relationship of any kind can also be a paralyzing journey to overcome. Broken dreams can shatter a person and keep them from every trying to dream or hope again. I think the component missing from our lives when we are trying to overcome these types of challenges is trust. Trusting our great God that He can and will actually take care of us during these moments.   

I like this poem very much because it reminds me to “let go and let God” do His thing. We all do it – grip our lives, our hopes, dreams, even grief with our hands so tight that it is hard to let go. It reminds me of gripping the steering wheel so hard my knuckles turn white while driving to the airport during a horrible rainstorm or gripping the armrests on the plane during the take-off or landing part. Those moments are filled with anxiety, fear and even doubt. All I want to do is get to that final destination and relax, but life is not always like that, is it?

Sometimes we have to be a spectator in our own lives. To step back, let go and let God take control. It was hard for me to let go of control when I first started my ministry with FBCW as a youth pastor back in 2016. I tend to be a little on the anal-retentive side and pay such attention to detail that it becomes an obsession and possibly an annoyance to others (you may want to consult with Pastor Ray about this statement, wink-wink! :) ). I had to learn that God is really the whole purpose behind what I do. I serve HIM. Yes, I serve a church and a family of faith but ultimately, my purpose is to share Christ’s love, forgiveness and salvation to whomever I am an influencer of – such as the youth and their families.  

It is only when we do share the story of God with others will we truly know we are part of His family. Trusting in the one true God is always the right path to take when pouring out our hurts and sorrows. He listens. He loves. He heals.

God will mend a broken heart or dream if you give Him all the pieces. Place your heart in God’s hands. Allow Him to reconstruct the brokenness and infuse joy into those damaged situations. God seeks to repair the injuries and fully restore function in every area of your life.


Father God, I surrender into Your hands all that is hurting in my life. You alone can repair my brokenness, bind up my wounds and revive Your intended design for me. Thank You for being my Healer and for showing me Your ever-present loving care. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.