By Robin Wiley
John 16:33
33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
5Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.
The Proverb passage is by far my most favorite verses in the Bible and something I try to follow in my daily walk. But it is not always easy to do. Trust. Trust in someone else to guide my steps, my decisions, my actions, and my thoughts in life. It is something I have to choose every day I wake up – to trust God with everything – the good, bad and ugly.
Recently, Scott and I went on a ten-day vacation to Hawaii with Scott’s sister, Cindy and her husband Randy. All four of us have been married 16 years this year and they were actually celebrating their anniversary during our trip time (Scott and I celebrated this past July). We went to the island of Kauai for four days and then to the “Big Island” or Kona. My brother-in-law had planned a number of excursions on both islands but it was the evening swim/snorkel with manta rays that was concerning me the most. I can swim but am not that strong of a swimmer. Plus, I have a fear of the ocean/sea/lake and what lies beneath that I cannot see. I remember when I was younger and my stepdad would take me out on the lake we lived near to go fishing, and sometimes sitting in the middle of the lake – I would envision all sorts of lake monsters lurking below the surface; just ready to rise up and eat us sitting in the boat. (Yes - my imagination has a habit of scaring me sometimes.)
We left the marina with about 18 other people and the crew on a good size boat out to the ocean along the coast. The waves and wind had been rough the day before with winter storms that had passed through the islands and the captain cautioned us that the ride out to the sight was going to be bumpy and rough. He was not wrong.
The boat cut through huge waves as we speed across the ocean and the bow would rise up high in the air and slam back down as it rolled over the waves. It felt like a roller coaster. A bad roller coaster. I can deal with motions and luckily was not sick like many others on the boat, including my sister-in-law, but I was extremely petrified with fear. Fear the boat would sink. Fear I would drown. Fear that the ocean would take me. Fear that those monsters below would finally get me.
The captain announced that five people could go to the front of the boat and hang out there through the 25-minute ride. Scott asked me if I wanted to go – I immediately shook my head no. Fifteen minutes later, the crew changed out the five and asked if any others wanted to go experience the ride from the front of the boat. Scott again asked me and the look in his eyes said he really wanted me to go. I decided at that point – I either needed to trust God that He would keep me safe on this journey or be resigned to live out my life giving into my fears.
As I walk to the front of the very rocky and rolling boat, fiercely gripping the rails as I went to the front, I could hear the Holy Spirit talking to me and reminding me that my Savior, Jesus, walked on water – very similar to what I was seeing and experiencing. These rolling and frightening waves – He conquered easily and I envisioned Jesus extending His hand out to me like He did with the Apostles saying – “Do not be afraid.” (Matt 14:27)And then I wasn’t. In fact, my body relaxed and I was riding the waves just like the motion of the boat and it felt wonderful. The rest of my time at the front was spent thanking the Holy Spirit for my new found confidence. I was determined to have the best experience on this excursion and I did.
We saw seven mantas swim so very close to us (there were 10 of us per board) – where they did “rolling” somersaults right underneath us floating above. It was very dark out at that point and they had these special lights on a board that would light up the water and the plankton food. There were many other boats and people out there as well in this special spot. And according to the captain – this seven-mile stretch of underwater near the coast was the only place in the world where thousands of manta rays come through to feed at night. It was an amazing experience – one I will not forget. All thanks to trusting in the “One who has overcome the world” (John 16:33).
It is easy to miss out on experiences and blessings in life when we are fearful or full of doubt. I truly believe that God loves us and only wants good things for us. It’s the world that is evil and broken – but I don’t have to be. I can choose to trust. I can choose to follow and be obedient.
What are you going to choose this day?
(I am including a couple of pictures of the boat we were on as well as what it looked like being in the water snorkeling at night – what an experience I will not soon forget!!)
Boat we took - Captain Bill
Manta Ray snorkeling around board.