Wait For The Lord!

Submitted by Robin Wiley

A Year of Daily Prayers and Reflections on the Words of David – by Eugene H. Peterson

Read Psalm 27:7-14

“I believe that I shall see the goodness of the Lord

in the land of the living.

Wait for the Lord;

            be strong, and let your heart take courage;

            wait for the Lord!”

Palm 27:13-14

To wait for the Lord is not to stand around lazily, wondering what will turn up next. It is an intense seeking after God and a devout believing in His goodness. He is worth waiting for! 

RW comment: Sometimes it is hard to wait for something or someone. Most humans are not really known for their patience, including myself. I tend to want to control things, and the more I can do to help out God in meeting my needs is more like letting my pride get in the way of God’s plans for my life. God is so good and always faithful – these promises I can depend on and wait for with anticipation.

Prayer: Come Lord, bring us your goodness! Teach us to wait patiently upon Your timing. Let our hearts seek only You to satisfy our every need. Your goodness, mercy and grace are all we need. Thank you for loving us.  In Jesus name – Amen.