RW Comment: My mother-in-law, Stephany, buys all of her kids’ family a yearly subscription to GuidePost Magazine. I’ve been receiving it for years and find the articles and Christianly witticism to be comforting and encouraging. I often share articles through this devotional slot of mine. I found this article very encouraging for the lent season we are experiencing right now.
Depending on where you are with your sacrifice of fasting to take time to reflect, read God’s word and seek forgiveness for sin – temptation is the looming culprit! We are all tempted, probably every day, with things that distract, entice or resemble our wants rather than our needs. Ty’Ann does a good job with giving us a quick thought to consider on dealing with temptation. We all fall. We all sin. God offers us grace and forgiveness – every day!
Nothing is too small or too big for our great God to handle. Lean on Him today. Have a great week!
By Ty’Ann Brown, Keeping the Faith Ministries
(taken from Feb/Mar 2022 GuidePosts Magazine)
Resisting Temptation
Temptation. It’s tricky. I’m tempted by all sorts of things that are not in my best interest. Doritos? I’d eat them for lunch every day if I could. Netflix? Sometimes I just want to curl up and watch my favorites all day. At times I’ve even succumbed: With two bags of Doritos next to me. I’ve binge-watched away an entire weekend.
As we enter the Lenten season, a time of repentance and forgiveness, I challenge you to think deeply about sacrifice and temptation. Doritos are dang delicious and make me feel great. For a few minutes. But they’re no way to lasting health. It’s the same with spiritual issues. We’re often tempted to turn from God, to focus on our immediate pleasure. But that’s no way to achieve lasting peace and joy.
Jesus showed us how to resist temptation. After 40 days of fasting in the desert, he was famished and exhausted. Satan came to tempt him. First, he prodded Jesus to turn stones into break. Then he goaded Jesus to jump from the top of the temple to prove his miraculous powers. Finally, Satan said he would let Jesus rule all the kingdoms of the world if he would worship him. Jesus’ response? “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and him only you shall serve’” (Matthew 4:10).
When you struggle with temptations both big and small, follow the lead of Jesus. Cut out the earthly distractions and rely upon God and his Word to stand strong. It’s not easy, but it’s the ultimate solution to a life well lived.
Father God, I humbly thank you for the forgiveness you offer us every day. I repent of any sin that draws me away from you. Help me to be strong to resist temptation and worship only You. In Jesus’ powerful name – Amen!