Making disciples

Pastor Luis Rodriguez

Matthew 28:18a-20

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Last week we journeyed through this text, and the challenge was for us to find our mission field. If we have not yet found it, continue to pray about it. Keep in mind the next challenge for us, is to go and make disciples. I remember being in a leadership conference many years ago, and the following question was asked, “How many disciples do you have right now?” As I sat there thinking, I realized I had none.

We have lived our Christian life without making disciples, we have become experts at making church members, but we have failed in making disciples, we have substituted discipleship with programs. We should all have at least one disciple, someone that can walk with us and learn from us, this step is crucial as we develop followers of Christ. We are called to make disciples, and to go to the nations, but before we head into the nations, let’s make disciples in our community. Let our prayer be that we can be disciple makers, that we can teach others how to be followers of Christ.

Finally, let us make disciples not by what we say, but by the way we live. For others to see our Christian walk, not as a religion but as a lifestyle, and as our walk with Christ reflects that lifestyle, then we won’t have too many struggles to go and make disciples from our community to the ends of the earth.  

May God bless you, and as you pray this week continue praying for our displaced brothers and sisters in Ukraine and continue praying for our mission field, our city of Weslaco and reflect our walk with Christ daily for us to be able to impact others with the powerful gospel message.