A Prayer for When You Feel Invisible

By Keneesha Saunders-Liddie, as written and posted on Your Daily Prayer daily devotional

And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. – Hebrews 4:13

I was the last one standing yet again. When it came to sports, I was usually the last one chosen. At those particular times in my childhood, I felt invisible. Even though I knew I wasn’t good at sports, it was still a surprise every time I walked toward the last team by default, because I was the only one not picked.

There are many reasons why we can feel invisible in life. Maybe you feel invisible at your church, job or in your family. There is good news. God sees you. God knows who you are and he can see the longing of your heart to be seen and known.

He wants you to know that you are not invisible to him. He wants you to know that he has always seen you and will always see you. He isn’t looking at you as one would look at an outsider. He takes special interest in you and your concerns.

He has said in his Word that no creature is hidden from his sight. There is no place you can go that he won’t be with you. This is both wonderful news and terrifying news. One day we have to give him an account for everything we do here on earth, and he is watching you.

Everything is naked and open to him; that includes your heart, thoughts and emotions as you feel the burden of being left out and isolated. God your Father has chosen this time to observe you. Even if you haven’t voice how you feel, God knows and he cares. So the next time you feel invisible, pray and thank God for watching over you.

Let’s pray now:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for never growing weary or getting tired. Thank you for watching over me each and every day. Help me to remember that you are always there whenever I feel invisible. I’m so grateful that I don’t have to look to man for validation; all I need is given to me by you. You have promised in your Word that you will never leave or forsake me, and I will hold you at your Word. I turn my heart to you and chose to trust in your Word and your steadfast protection and provision. Help me to find comfort in the fact that no creature is hidden from you, but that I am naked and open before you as you allow the Holy Spirit to lead me in sanctification. Knowing I am seen by God causes me to release fear and to simply trust you will be there. During this time of uncertainty, help me to see others and let them know that I see them.

I Know It's Not Fathers Day Yet But....

submitted by Robin Wiley

Already the middle of the month of June and it feels like nearly half this year has gone by so quickly. I guess it really does go by in a flash after you turn fifty-five (LOL!!). Cherish each moment is my new motto as well as being kind with gratitude.  So it with gratitude I greet all the men out there who are fathers to their clans. Whatever your role in people’s lives you play, may it be filled with sweet blessings.

As I had written a while back – I am planning on sharing one of my step-dad’s (Del) poems with you that he wrote for fathers. It’s a little long winded (sorry Dad:) and you might be able to tell he was a preacher on the side of life. He would preach at trailer parks he and Mom would visit and also at a few churches in Mexico. Everyone’s salvation was very important to him, and he knew the “harvest was great but the workers [were] few.”

I may have mentioned this before, but my dad was a self-taught man. He dropped out of school in the 6th grade. His story of that time was he had a very old teacher who told him he was stupid and would never amount to much. So he quit. It was during the period that lead up to the Great Depression, so he just worked instead, but vowed to learn everything he could to prove he was smart. In my opinion, he amounted to a great deal in this life. He taught my sisters and I so much about life, common sense, hard work, and how to continuous learn. For those things – I will be eternally grateful to Del, my dad.   

Here’s wishing all you men who are father’s or have some sort of fatherly influence – a kind-filled with moments-of-joy day!

“Dads Day”  by Del Korf 

This is the day that’s been set aside

It’s on the calendar, it’s bonafide.

This is the day we’re to honor our dad

Keep this in mind, whether daughter or lad

that dad is there to help us do right,

and to run life’s race with all our might.


Dad helps us unravel the ‘knots’ of life

He’s also there to sooth our strife.

Dads are also the daily “bread winners,”

If Christians, they know we all are sinners,

and bring sinners, he knows we must be forgiven,

By Jesus who bled as His side was riven.

So that all who believe and accept God’s son

Will then at long last, have the victory won!

A Christian dad knows it’s the fear of the Lord

that will bring to us knowledge, it’s in His Word!


Now dads can’t be with us throughout our life

And as we grow and experience sorrow and strife.

Sorrows and strife are there for a reason

To ready us for eternity, not just a ‘season.’

If Christians, we’ll experience joy and peace

While doing His will and the knowledge release

That Jesus arose and receives to Himself

All who seek Him, not power and pelf.


A Christian dad says, “Take Jesus as Savior and live your life at your best behavior.”

Dad, if you’re not a Christian, here’s what you need,

Turn your life over to Christ and His message heed

So that when at last, you hear His final call

You can live with Him and avoid that big fall

Into perdition, with those who reject the Lord

By sidestepping the facts of His living Word.


Dad, won’t you accept Jesus, the One who paid

The extreme debt that He never owed

Thus He’d release you from sins heavy load.

You owe a debt you can never pay,

But Jesus will take all your sins away

If you will but take this Son of God

And discipline your life with an iron rod.

You would then be known as a worthy dad

Not plagued in your mind, “I wish I had

Taken this Savior as my very own

Now I know, only Jesus can my sins atone”!!


If dads will take Jesus, and trust Him “to the hilt”

He will forgive all your sins and forget all your guilt.

Dads, please accept Jesus, then you will know

The sins you’ve committed, are now white as snow!

Vacation Preparation

32 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33 Be on guard! Be alert[a]! You do not know when that time will come. 34 It’s like a man going away: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with their assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch.

35 “Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. 36 If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping.

Mark 13:32-36 NIV

After a crazy year my family has been prepping the last few weeks to go to Disney World! We made shirts to be cute (because that’s what people do at Disney), pulled our luggage down from the attic, mowed our lawn, found someone to feed the cats, prepped the worship team for two weeks of worship and six worship services, and did millions of other little things that we needed to get out of town. If you have a family, you know how hard preparation for a trip like this is!

Yet, all along the way, these verses and the preparation we should be doing for Christ’s second coming have been on my mind. We had a date for our trip on the calendar. My cousin and e mail alerts from Disney advised us about what we needed to be doing in preparation. We read articles online about how to prepare and had lots of conversations about what was most important to us when we got there. As the day has approached and excitement raised, we have found ourselves sleeping less and prepping more each day leading to our departure. The last two days were almost completely devoted to Disney prep. 

The preparation we do for Christ’s coming should be similar to preparing for a journey. We don’t have a date, but we should be reading the Biblical alerts God has given us. We should be talking to God and others regularly about what should be important to us as co-laborers in God’s kingdom. We should seek out the guidance of others who have experience as followers of Jesus. We should be figuratively awake as each passing day brings us closer to His return and each day, more and more of our time should be taken up by Kingdom work as the reality of Christ’s return sets into our lives. Preparation should be happening continuously.  If we had the date of Christ’s return, we would just wait until the last minute and try to frantically do all the stuff we should have been doing all along. 

So, how are you preparing for Christ’s coming? When the day comes, will you be awake?

We hope to see you at our various activities this Summer and of course on Sundays as we prepare together for the great vacation we have awaiting for us in Christ!

Dear God, 

Thank you for vacations and time to get away. Thank you for things in our lives that remind us of you. Help us to prepare for your coming in an even greater manner than we prepare for a big trip. Help us to live as co-laborers in your kingdom each day, growing in you and in our relationship with others as we share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world.


Pastor Ray is the Pastor of Worship and Administration at FBC Weslaco. As of this writing, no children had been harmed in preparation for their family vacation.

Shattered Beyond Repair

By: LYSA TERKEURST, as written for Proverbs 31 Ministries and posted on crosswalk.com’s Encouragement for Today daily devotional

“Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8 (NIV)

Are there any broken places in your heart and life right now? I know how hard that can be.

And there’s this wonderful Christian story I could tell you. It’s the one about how we can pick up the broken pieces, glue them back together and then let God’s light shine through our cracks. That’s a beautiful story. But what about those times when things aren’t just broken … but shattered beyond repair? Shattered to the point of dust. At least when things are broken, there’s some hope you can glue the pieces back together. What if there aren’t even pieces to pick up in front of you?

You can’t glue dust.

It’s hard to hold dust. What was once something so very precious is now reduced to nothing but weightless powder even the slightest wind could carry away. We feel desperately hopeless. Dust begs us to believe the promises of God no longer apply to us. That the reach of God falls just short of where we are. And that the hope of God has been snuffed out by the consuming darkness all around us. My own life has certainly held seasons of dust. And if we could sit together over coffee, I imagine you would have some kind of shattered dust story to share with me, too. We are alike in that way. We’re united with our tears, even if our circumstances are different.

We’re also united in our desire for God to fix it all. Edit this story so it has a different ending. Repair this heartbreaking reality. But what if fixing, editing and repairing isn’t at all what God has in mind for us in this shattering? What if, this time, God desires to make something completely brand-new? Right now. On this side of eternity. No matter how impossible our circumstances may seem. You see, dust is the exact ingredient God loves to use. We think the shattering in our lives could not possibly be for any good. But what if shattering is the only way to get dust back to its basic form so something new can be made? We can see dust as a result of an unfair breaking. Or, we can see dust as a crucial ingredient.

Think about a plain piece of ice. If ice stays in a cube, it’s always just a square of ice. But if the ice melts, it can be poured into a beautiful form to reshape it when it’s frozen again. Dust is much the same; it’s the basic ingredient with such great potential for new life. Of all the things God could have used to make man, He chose dust: “Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7, NIV).

Jesus used the dust of the ground to restore a man’s sight. Jesus said, “‘While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.’ After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes” (John 9:5-6, NIV). And after the man washed in the pool of Siloam, he went home seeing. And, when mixed with water, dust becomes clay. Clay, when placed in the potter’s hands, can be formed into anything the potter dreams!

“Yet you, LORD, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand” (Isaiah 64:8).

“He said, ‘Can I not do with you, Israel, as this potter does?’ declares the LORD. ‘Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, Israel’” (Jeremiah 18:6, NIV).

Oh, how I love and need the hope God has tucked into these verses.

Dust doesn’t have to signify the end. Dust is often what must be present for the new to begin. I don’t know what hard realities have left you feeling shattered, friend. But I do know this: We can trust our God. We can trust Him with our dust. Our greatest disappointments and disillusionments — things that shake us and break us and make us wonder about everything — don’t have to mean all hope is lost. We can place our lives fully in the hands of the Potter. We can dare to believe He is making something glorious out of dust, out of us.

Father, I confess I don’t like this — I don’t like dust. But I’m reminding my soul that dust is one of Your favorite ingredients to use when making something new. And I’m choosing to believe You are working right now to do this very thing in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Obedience From a Soft Heart

As written for and posted on InTouch Ministries

Jonah 4

What most people know about Jonah is that he was swallowed by a big fish while trying to run from God. But the portion of the story that’s often overlooked is what happened after the prophet obeyed. He eventually went to Nineveh to warn the people of divine wrath, and they responded by turning away from wickedness. Their response should have made Jonah ecstatic, but because Nineveh and Israel were enemies, he became angry over their repentance and God’s mercy on them.

Being trapped inside a fish may have convinced Jonah to obey God’s command, but his heart had not changed. He still desired the Ninevites’ destruction, and his bitterness and reluctance showed through in spite of his righteous actions.

God is not fooled by good behavior that springs from a hard heart. Obeying Him with an unwilling spirit may achieve His purpose, but we lose the joy of our reward. Perhaps the Lord has called you to serve Him in a way that is personally challenging. As you commit to following His will, pray also for a soft heart. You will find peace and blessing in doing the work when you follow Him with a humble spirit.

Praying for God’s Plans in Our Children’s Lives

By Meg Bucher, as written and posted on Your Daily Prayer daily devotional

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 NIV

Though parenting is a great blessing we undoubtedly treasure, it often causes us to worry and pray the most. Kids are only containable and controllable to a certain extent. When I am overwhelmed, scouring through Scriptures to pray on their behalf and desperate for God to shield them… He is faithful to remind me that control over their lives is not ultimately mine. Abba, Yahweh, loves them infinitely more than I ever could. I often need to take my own advice and pray and be patient while God works out the details of their days in His sovereignty. He’s never given me a reason to doubt Him, and I needn’t worry He’ll fail to be faithful. We, as Solomon wisely wrote in Proverbs, have a tendency to plot and plan the course of our lives, and those of our children. Then, we ask for God’s blessing. But God’s will for our lives is to obediently follow His lead to the best of our ability.

But the LORD, significantly and purposefully written in all caps to remind us who the LORD is, determines our steps. He alone knows what’s up next in our lives. When we are good stewards of the time, talents, and treasures He blesses us with on earth, we have nothing to worry about… nothing to fear… for His plans for us, and our children, are more than we can ask for or imagine. Faithfully following Jesus is the greatest example we can set for our children. His love never falters or fades. Jesus meets us right where we are and walks with us. By the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in every believer of Christ, we will walk out the steps the LORD determines, for His glory and honor.


Thank You for the reminder of Your sovereignty and our place as Your children. You chose us, created us, and purposed us …and our children! When we are tempted to worry and request Your blessing over our plans instead of aiming to hear Your will for our lives, grab our attention. Convict our hearts and remind us who You are, and who we are in Christ. Sons and daughters of the One True God.

Yahweh, let the repetition of saying Your name calm us in the midst of worrisome circumstances and challenging moments as parents. Let the weight of perfection fall off of our shoulders, and the weightless and limitless freedom of grace rush through our lives. Let our daily lives honor You, God.

Bless our role as parents, and give us the wisdom we need in order to release the grip of control that so deceitfully sneaks into the cracks of our lives when we fear the decisions our children are making. Help us release them into Your hands. Protect them from those who wish to harm them. Shield and soften their hearts, Father.

Over everything we plan and worry about, we pray Your will for our lives. You are good. We trust You, LORD.

In Jesus’ Name,


Thinking of You

Submitted by Robin Wiley

So Graduation Sunday just happened (okay – about a week ago from Sunday actually), and I am both emotional and excited that it’s over. It was a lot of work to put the videos together but so worth it to spend time with my high school senior kiddos. I cherish each interview and time spent connecting further with each one as  their youth pastor for the past five years.

It’s emotional for me because I realized that I had welcomed this motley crew of tight-knit friends into the youth group when they were 7th graders, but they welcomed me into their heart and lives. I was their new pastor that year and we both nurtured and helped each other grow in our faith walks together. I am so proud of each of those kiddos and am excited for them because I know God has great plans for each one of them. 

It is hard for me to say goodbye, but I can’t EVEN image how hard it must be for the parents! All eighteen of these kiddos were raised by good, faith-abiding Christians in our church and for some – this is their first child going off to college. We all want to stay connected with them and hope and pray they don’t forget us (me mainly!! LOL). 

This next “Mysterious Ways” article touched on a little of that same emotion – of life going on and moving forward – whether we want to participate or not. God thinks of us in those moments when we are saying goodbye to our son or daughter as they go off to college. God is thinking of us in those moments when we are stressing about not hearing from our kiddo in quite a while. God is thinking of us when they make a decision to take a job after college in a different state. God is always thinking about us.


[Guideposts May 2020 Issue, by Terry Halbach, Waterloo, IA]

I got to my feet, brushing the dirt from my hands, and surveyed my garden. It was early spring, and so much was in bloom – the marigolds, the impatiens, the ivy climbing the trellis. But my pride and joy had to be my rosebushes. I had cultivated many varieties, with blooms that ranged from white to scarlet. All of them were thriving, their buds just starting to open…except one.

It was my latest addition – a yellow rosebush. Yellow roses are my favorite, and this little plant had looked so hale and hearty at the nursery. I planted it, but within weeks it had started withering. It became a scraggly, pathetic thing. The leaves turned brown and began to shrivel.

Roses are notoriously finicky. I watered my new purchase carefully, fed it, even talked to it. Nothing seemed to work. I felt disheartened. I’d been feeling that way a lot lately.

My younger daughter, Emily, was about to graduate high school. In a few months, she’d be off to college. My older daughter, Allison, was getting married. Her husband-to-be was in the military, stationed in Germany. Just days after the wedding, Allison would be going back with him – 4,000 miles and an ocean away.

Allison was entering a new phase of her life. Both my daughters were. I was thrilled for them. I loved helping Allison with her wedding plans. But as a single mom, I found the stress of juggling all the to-do lists and everything on my own was taking its toll. 

An now my rosebush was dying. I’ll have to dig it up tomorrow, I thought, going inside to start dinner. 

That night, in bed, I whispered, “Lord, I feel so along. Send me a sign so I know you’re there, watching over us. So I know everything will be okay.”

The next morning, Emily headed out the door for school, only to turn back inside. “Mom, you’ve got to see this!”

“What is it?” I asked.

“It’s your roses! Come see!”

That little rosebush I thought was dead? It now looked green and vibrant. Sprouting from it was a tight cluster of roses. Three beautiful roses – one for Allison, one for Emily and one for me. In the language of lowers, yellow roses mean “I’m thinking of you.”

God was thinking of me and my girls. He always would. 

RW Comment:  Amen – we are NEVER alone! Even when things are changing all around us, God NEVER changes, nor does His infinite love for us.  Enjoy your Tuesday!

Prayer: Father God – as the Psalmist says in 115:12 – you are “always thinking about us, and will bless us.” I pray that you continue to watch over all of our families this summer and bless us beyond measure. Let us feel your love in the moments we spend together with our children and family. And let us share that love with others. In Jesus beautiful name – Amen!



A Prayer for When You’re Tired of Waiting

By Lauren Gaskill, as written and posted on Your Daily Prayer daily devotional

“Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken. My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. O my people, trust in him at all times. Pour out your heart to him, for God is our refuge.” – Psalm 62:5-8

Waiting is hard. And whether you’re waiting in traffic, waiting for the seasons to change, waiting for your husband to get home from a work trip, or waiting for your dream to come true — waiting is never fun. I mean, seriously, who likes to wait? Who wakes up and says, “I hope I have to wait for something today?” (If you’re reading this and that’s you, please email me so we can be friends and I can learn your secret!) All joking aside, if the majority of the world could choose between waiting and not waiting, I think we’d choose the latter. Because chances are if we’re waiting for something, that means we want it pretty bad, but we don’t have it yet.

Dear brothers and sister, I don’t know what you’re waiting on right now, but I want to invite you to draw strength not only from those who have waited before us, but from God himself. Draw strength from the promises of God and look forward to the fulfillment of those promises. For our God is not a God of false or empty promises, but of beautiful, certain promises. We are not alone when we wait. God is with us and He wants us to pour our hearts out to Him. He wants us to trust and find refuge in Him.

I pray that as we wait, we will hold on to these truths and we will let God’s Word renew our souls. Whatever He has for us is worth the wait.

Lord, you are not just the God of time but the God of timing. Help me to trust You as I wait for the things I desperately want. Help me not become discouraged or depressed in this season of waiting, but help me take my place joyfully with all the saints who persevered through the wait you had for them. As we walk through this season of Advent, help me to spend time meditating on Your promise to bring our Savior into the world. Thank You for Your plan to come again and bring restoration for all things! In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Naomi Osaka and Dak Prescott: The urgency and power of community

By Dr. Jim Denison, as written and posted on The Denison Forum

Tennis champion Naomi Osaka announced recently that she would not speak with reporters during the upcoming French Open. After organizers fined her $15,000 over her decision, she stated Monday afternoon that she would withdraw from the tournament for mental health reasons. 

Currently ranked No. 2 in the world, she said on Twitter, “I never wanted to be a distraction.” She added that she’s “suffered long bouts of depression since the US Open in 2018” and gets “huge waves of anxiety” before speaking at press conferences.

Nike and other major sponsors have come out in support of her following her decision to withdraw. “Our thoughts are with Naomi,” Nike said. “We support her and recognize her courage in sharing her own mental health experience.”

Twenty-three-time Grand Slam singles champion Serena Williams, eighteen-time Grand Slam singles champion Martina Navratilova, and thirty-nine-time Grand Slam winner Billie Jean King have also expressed their support for her, as have other athletes such as Golden State Warriors player Stephen Curry and Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson.

In related sports news, Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott made today’s news with his statements to a reporter regarding depression and anxiety. He told ESPN’s Sage Steele that during the pandemic, “I was going through depression and anxiety, and I was learning what it was, I was talking to friends and trying to figure out why I was feeling the way that I was.”

His brother Jace went through bouts with mental health before his death. Prescott said that he told his family and friends, “We’ve got to talk. We’ve got to talk to one another, because I didn’t know [Jace] was feeling that way, I didn’t know he was like that.”

He added: “That’s why I come out in front of the mental awareness thing and tell people, men, women, powerful, not powerful, whatever you are, we’ve got to talk. And it’s an obligation for all of us to listen and to help.”

Why we were created for community

My purpose today is emphatically not to offer mental health therapy. I am in no sense a professional counselor and would urge anyone struggling with mental health issues to see someone who is. God calls people into this ministry just as he calls people to be missionaries and pastors. I am deeply grateful for the godly counselors I know and would strongly recommend that anyone facing mental health challenges seek the help of such professionals.

My purpose today is to respond to Dak Prescott’s statement calling for us to “listen” to each other. The outpouring of support Naomi Osaka has received from sponsors and fellow athletes is an example of the kind of communal encouragement we are each created to need from each other.

The Lord said of the first human, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18). We were made to need each other. We cannot do life well by ourselves. We are “members of the body” of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:12); each of us is vital to all of us (vv. 14–30).

This is because, as creatures made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), we reflect the communal nature of our Creator. Our Lord is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three and yet one. In a marvelous sermon on the Trinity, Br. Curtis Almquist of the Society of St. John the Evangelist in Boston elaborates:

“Experiencing God as a Trinity of Persons makes a profound difference, not only in how we belong to God, but how we belong to one another. We are distinct persons, all of us, and yet our essence is the same. We are all children of God. We all need water and food, shelter and rest, love and safety, education and encouragement, health and hope to be alive and thrive. We are all so much the same” (his emphasis).

He added: “We must be in relationship with one another. We have been created by a God in relationship—a Trinity of Persons—who invites us all to be in personal relationship: relationship with one another and in relationship with all that God has created, because this is the essence of God.”

A prayer I urge you to offer today

Whom do you know who needs the community you can offer?

Christians should be on the front lines of such generosity and ministry. We who are members of one body, children of one triune God, are “beggars helping other beggars find bread.” We are called to pay forward the grace we have received, to share the forgiveness that has transformed our souls. We should be Exhibit A of how community for hurting people looks and feels.

Let it begin with you and with me, today. To that end, I invite you to pray with me, slowly and meaningfully, this familiar prayer attributed to St. Francis:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light.
Where there is sadness, joy.

Oh, Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

A Prayer for When You Don't Know What to Do

By Christina Fox, as written for and posted to Your Daily Prayer daily devotional

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” – Psalm 119:105
One of the first steps toward making a tough decision is to seek God in prayer. Perhaps you are in the midst of a difficult decision right now. If so, this prayer is for you.

Father in Heaven,

I come before you today with my mind swirling with different thoughts and feelings. I have a hard decision make and I just don't know what to do. I feel helpless and confused. I'm worried about the consequences to my decision. I worry about the impact my decision will have not only on myself but on others as well. To be honest, I fear making the wrong decision.

Your word tells me that if I seek after wisdom you will provide it. So I am seeking you, the source and fountain of wisdom. You've written everything you want me to know if the pages of your book, The Bible. I pray that as I read your word, it would shape my wants and desires and longings. I pray that it would impress on me what matters most to you. I pray that as I consider the decision before me, that I would remember what your word teaches about your sovereignty and control over all things.

You know this problem before me. You know how it turns out. That's because you are the Alpha and the Omega. You know the end from the beginning. Nothing happens apart from your will and plan. Not only are you sovereign, but you are good. All your plans are holy, righteous, and good. I can trust that you know what is best for me. When I move forward with this decision, I know that it is your will and that you will use it for my good and your glory.

Forgive me for getting caught up in wanting to know the future and how everything turns out. Forgive me for treating you like a "magic 8 ball." Forgive me for fearing the future and for waiting around in the hopes that the answer will be written on the wall. Help me to rest and trust in who you are. Help me to look to Jesus, knowing that if you gave of your own Son to save me from sin, how will you not also be with me in all the challenges and decisions of my life? There is nothing and no one that can separate me from you; I have nothing to fear.

You are my Rock, my Savior, and my Deliverer. Be with me as I move forward in this time of confusion and difficulty. Above all, may your will be done on earth, and in my life, as it is in heaven.

In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

A Prayer for God's Strength When You Feel Under Attack

By Debbie McDaniel, as written for and posted on Your Daily Prayer daily devotional

"No weapon that is formed against you will prosper; And every tongue that accuses you in judgment you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their vindication is from Me," declares the LORD.” Isaiah 54:17

Some days get hard. Attacks get hurled our way that we didn’t even see coming. The enemy loves to stir up strife and division, he does his best to heap on insults and kicks us while we’re down. But be assured, whenever you are afflicted, attacked, ridiculed, or abused, God takes notice. He rises up strong on your behalf. For you are His precious child. As believers, we can know, God Himself has the final say over our lives. Not the accuser.  His Word reminds us that no weapon or cruel accusation is able to stand over us for long. It will fall away, for His Power rises above all. He brings light straight to darkness, and what is hidden in the dark, He brings out into the light. We are His children and He can’t help but to come to our rescue and defense.

Sometimes it may seem too long in coming. We start to feel forgotten, betrayed, rejected, and afraid. We wonder why we’ve been left on our own.  Maybe some have stirred up lies against you. Maybe the enemy seems to be breathing down your back, hot on your trail, trying hard to bring you down. Maybe the obstacles seem too hard to hurdle anymore. And you feel like giving up. Know that He is close, He sees your pain and is aware of every attack. And He is building greatness and deep perseverance from within. Shake it off my friend. Every last bitter, cruel word and fiery dart. Take it to the One who sets you free from the strongholds of darkness, from sin and shame. Leave it at the feet of the One who covers you with His favor and blessing so that your strength is renewed day by day.

Listen to His whisper today down deep in your soul. He is with you. You are greatly loved. Be still, He fights for you today.

Dear God,

We thank you for the Power of your Word and your Presence over our lives. We thank you that no weapon formed against us will prosper, for greater are You who is in us, than he who is in the world. We pray that you will cast down every threat and accusation, every abusive word and cruel attack hurled our way. We praise you that nothing is impossible with you, that You are loving and gracious, full of mercy and might. We trust in you alone, to rise up strong on our behalf. Thank you that you are our Defender and Strong Tower, our Refuge and our Strength. Thank you that you fight for us today, and in our weakness, you make us strong.

In the Powerful Name of Jesus,


Godwink Moment in Dog Tags

Submitted by Robin Wiley

 As I write this, Memorial Day holiday is just around the corner. It’s hard to believe how fast this year is flying by. Graduations are happening all over the place and summer is right around the corner.  I appreciate the Memorial Day holiday, because of what we remember & honor: those who served, and gave their lives to our country’s military. We can never repay those men and women who sacrificed so much to keep us free. The tradition is at 3:00 pm on that special holiday – we are to stand and have a moment of silence to remember these fallen heroes.

This next Mysterious Ways article from Guideposts I would like to share has to do with Memorial Day and a Veteran’s most prized possession (second to their life of course!) – dog tags. 

[Guideposts November 2020 Issue, by Paul Oxier, Follansbee, WVA]

A Memorial Day party – the perfect way to get to know my new neighbors. I’d recently moved to Follansbee, WVA. I’d already introduced myself to my next-door neighbors, an older couple named Sam and Liz. So when I saw the small gathering in their backyard, I went over and said hi.

Memorial Day always brought thoughts of family. Both my father and grandfather, Willard, had served in the military. Grandpa had fought in World War II. Dad had been in the Navy during Vietnam. Though it had been years since they passed, days like this always made me think of the sacrifices they’d made for their country. Every Memorial Day, I said a prayer of remembrance.

Liz took me around the party, introducing me. “This is my brother, Greg,” she said, indicating a man who looked to be in his sixities. “This is our new neighbor, Paul Oxier.”

“Oxier?” said Greg. “That’s an unusual name. Do you happen to know a Willard Oxier?”

I Blinked, surprised. “Yes, he was my grandfather,” I said.

Greg’s eyes lit up. “I think I have something for you. Can I stop by your house tomorrow?”

True to his word, Greg came by the next morning. “A few years ago, when I was living in Ohio,” he said, “I was digging in my flower bed. I found this.”

He handed me a small, square piece of metal, old and slightly rusted. On it were a series of numbers and a name: Willard J. Oxier. Grandpa. “I kept it, hoping I’d one day run into someone – either Willard or a member of his family – so I could return it,” he said.

I thanked Greg and called my uncle Kenny, Dad’s brother. He was as shocked as I was. But it made sense. Back in the 1950s, my dad and his family lived in Toronto, a little town in Ohio. Dad and Kenny and their other brother, Bob, would play soldier with their father’s old Army things, as kids do. “We were playing with his dog tag and lost it,” he said. Forever, I imagine they’d thought.  

Somehow, all these years later, the dog tag had found its way from that flower bed in Toronto, OH, to a home in Follansbee, WVA. I offered to mail the tag to Uncle Kenny, but he told me to keep it to one day pass onto my own children.

RW: The world is really a very small place. Isn’t it?! When you consider the infinite space and time of who God is, these things pale compared to the LARGENESS of God. Unlike us, God has no limits or boundaries. He is not confined to the dimension of space. His love, holiness, mercy and all His other qualities are unlimited in their scope and expression. He weaves patterns of love and memories in our lives, which draw us nearer to each other and to Him. Have a great Tuesday!

Prayer for Today:

Father God, I pray this prayer for the impossible to you because your Word tells us to ask boldly (Hebrews 4:16) for anything because then we will see how great You are! There is nothing beyond Your power or might Oh Lord!  Cast away my doubts and take away any fears. Let Your faithfulness alone shine inside me. By Your will and by Your way, may it be done. Let Your promise burn deep in my soul. May it nourish my confidence in Christ alone.  In the name of Jesus, Amen.











A Prayer for Memorial Day: Remembering Those Who Have Fought for Our Freedom

By Debbie McDaniel

Posted at crosswalk.com

“Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”  John 15:13

Freedom is a gift, it’s a treasure.  And though we all may agree on that truth, it’s often easy to take for granted the greatest gifts that God has given us in our lives.

But those most precious gifts are never free. They came with a price. With sacrifice. They were worth fighting for. And are still worth fighting for today. Many brave men and women were willing to face hard battles in order for us to enjoy that gift of freedom today.

For all those who have protected our nation, for the men and women in uniform, together, we say “Thank You.”

We take time to remember today, and say a prayer of gratefulness for the many who have been willing to pay a great price for our freedom.  May God help us to live so courageously, may we follow the brave examples of those who have gone before us…

Thank you for reminding us that there’s incredible love and sacrifice displayed when one is willing to stand strong and fight for freedom.

This service of love and sacrifice on behalf of all people, points us directly to the greatest love of all, the very gift and sacrifice of Christ.

Our Savior was willing to pay the ultimate price, so that we can live free. Forever.

Dear God,

We thank you for the freedom you have given to us, and for the price that was paid by Christ so that we could live free. We remember today. The cost of it all. The great sacrifice for freedom.

We thank you for the brave men and women who have fought, and continue to fight, so courageously for our nation. We ask for your covering and blessing over them and their families. We pray that you would be gracious and encircle them with your peace. We pray for your great favor and goodness to be evident in their lives.

Please be with all those who wear the uniform, who serve our communities and nation every single day. We ask that you provide your protection, that you would be their guiding force who leads the way, and their rear guard who keeps them safe from behind. We ask that you would draw them to yourself amidst the dangers they face in a dark world, for you are the Truth, you are the Way, you are the Light.

Help them to walk wisely. To stay covered in your armor. Give them godly discernment. Make them constantly aware of what lurks close by. Help them to be men and women of prayer, realizing that this is where their greatest help comes from. Help them to stay united and strong, bold and resolute, determined and unwavering.

Bless their families. Bless those they love. Give them your great favor, this day, and every day.

Thank you that in our nation today, we are free to worship. We are free to pray. We are free to read your Word.  We are free to speak.  We are free to share. For this, we are incredibly grateful. Yet, we understand how quickly these freedoms can be taken away. Give us an increased awareness of the spiritual battle we’re in. Help us to stand strong in you and for your purposes.

Thank you that as believers, we can be assured, you will never leave us, and are with us always, in this life, and the next.

Thank you for your truth that says, who the Son sets free is free indeed! We know that in you alone, true freedom is found.

In Jesus’ Name we pray,


May God bless America, and all of those who have sacrificed so greatly for our freedom, and faithfully served our nation!

A Prayer for All Graduates Facing an Uncertain Future

By Debbie McDaniel, as written and posted on Your Daily Prayer daily devotional

*Editor's Note - In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we've updated this prayer to especially reflect the challenges facing this year's graduating class.

“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” - Jeremiah 29:11

The season of Graduation and new beginnings can bring a mixed bag of emotions to many of us. Though it’s a time of celebration and fresh starts, the letting go process can bring some pain too. Yet parenting is often just about that – the letting go. And whether it’s letting go as they head to Kindergarten, or letting go as they head to college, or straight off into their first job, it can be difficult. No more so in these uncertain, fearful times we are currently in as a nation and as a world. But there’s hope to remember.

Our children are His. No matter where they go, or how old they are, they are in His care. They are in His hands. And He has a great purpose for them in this life - and that's the very best place we can let them go. We're entrusting them, again, straight into the safe care of a powerful and loving God. And that’s the safest place they can be. His hands are big. To carry. To hold. To protect. To cover. To lead. And He loves each one of them more than we could ever imagine. This world is more uncertain than ever. But God is always Faithful and True.

Here is a special prayer of blessing for our graduates this year:

We pray for our graduates today and lift them before you. We thank you so much for these we love and for the work you are continuing to do in their lives. They are a gift to us and to many others. And during this season of new beginnings, we ask that you would make their way clear. We ask that you would keep their footsteps firm and remind them that you are with them, always. May they sense the freshness of your Spirit over their lives in amazing ways, may they be strengthened, instilled with hope, for the new roads you have in store.

And today, again, we release our children straight into your tender care. Because we know that’s the best place they could ever be. We thank you in advance for all you have in store, for this day, for this year, for their lives.

We pray for protection, for your covering, that you would surround their lives as with a shield. Protect their coming and going. We ask that you would help them to live aware in a dark world and keep harm or evil intent far away. We ask that you would hide them in the safety of your powerful presence.

Our world is currently anxious, fearful and uncertain. We pray our graduates are filled with your courage and strength, that they may be a light to their friends and neighbors in this uncertain time.

We ask for your wisdom and clear direction over their lives, that you would give them understanding beyond their years. Thank you that your timing is perfect. We pray that you would direct their steps, that your plans for them would prosper; that every place you have determined for them to walk would be paved clear. We ask for you to open doors that need to be opened and close every one that should be shut tight. Allow every gift and treasure you have placed inside their lives to grow, develop, and flourish, to bring you glory.

We ask that you would remind them every day how very much you love them, that they would find security and confidence fully in you, knowing that you are trustworthy and true.

We ask that you would teach them your ways and fill them with an unquenchable desire to learn your Word. Give them a compassionate spirit, and the wisdom to look beyond outward appearances to the heart within. We pray that you would surround them with friends and leaders who would challenge them to press closer to you.

We ask for your peace to cover them. We ask for laughter and joy to fill their days. We pray that you would give them boldness and courage to face challenges set before them, with the confidence and peace that can only come from your spirit.

We ask that you would raise up greatness in their lives, greatness in this generation, willing to stand strong and true, passionate for you, believing that you have designed them for purpose and good works, which you have planned and prepared in advance for them to do.

Be a lamp for their feet, and a light to their path. Shine over them. Fill them with your spirit. Bless them with your favor and peace.

In Jesus’ Name,


“The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you, the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

A Prayer to Put First Things First

By: Maggie Meadows Cooper, as written for and posted on Your Daily Prayer daily devotional

"...Martha was distracted..." And then Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.” (Luke 10:40-42)

“Mrs. Cooper was a real gentlewoman, refined, cultured, and lovable-a character who lived and radiated her religion. Her home, church, husband, and children were the most important things in her life, for she was a person who always put first things first."

I found this description of my great-great-grandmother a few years ago, and while there are many special women in my family line, she was the matriarch. Her painting hangs in my dining room, and I was told about her for as long as I can remember. This is the most beautiful description of her I've heard though..."she was a person who always put first things first." I wish the same could be said of me, but I know that wouldn't always be true.

Facebook. Dishes. HGTV. Text messages. Laundry.

Chocolate. Sleep. Email. Online shopping. Home projects.

All things that I sometimes allow to take precedence over “first things.”

And what are “first things”? Relationship with Jesus, Spouse, Children.

It's not hard. But it is.

And y’all, it makes me think about Martha. You know, Mary's sister...Mary who sat at the feet of Jesus while her sister Martha busy-bodied around and fussed about her lazy sister who wouldn't help her? You know the one.

You usually hear people down on Martha, but there is something about her that we can't overlook. There is clear evidence that she loved the Lord. She wanted to please Him. And she believed in Him. So why did she have trouble putting Jesus first? Because of one simple thing.

"...Martha was distracted..." And then Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one.” (Luke 10:40-42)

Sound familiar? It does to me. I am the queen of distraction. I want to keep focused and stay away from things that take my mind off Jesus, but this world is so stinkin' busy. It is an ongoing battle for me, and I’m fairly certain that I’m not alone.

So, if you have ever allowed distraction to keep you from putting first things first, here are a few things that to help you focus on the One who matters most:

1. Post Scripture everywhere. The kitchen sink, laundry room, bathroom mirror, dashboard, desk at work, etc, wherever you spend your time, write Bible verses on sticky notes or index cards and put them up as reminders to keep your focus on Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:16)

2. Choose friends who will hold you accountable and encourage you. I have some great ladies in my life who will speak truth in love. I don't mean friends who will tell me what I want to hear, but ladies who love me in spite of myself, and will tell me the hard truth if I need it. If you don't have those kinds of friends in your life, pray for the Lord to bring them to you, and when He does, don’t be afraid to ask them to walk this walk with you! (Titus 2:4)

3. Be careful what you allow your mind to focus on. TV, the internet, acquaintances, etc. are all things I watch carefully for myself and my children. The Bible is very clear that bad company corrupts good character, and what you take into your heart will eventually come out in your life and words. (Luke 6:45Proverbs 4:23)Let’s pray now for hearts and souls that put first things first:

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for loving me, even as a distracted mess some days. I so want to be a believer after Your own heart. Please help me to study Your Word and hide it in my heart. Send me friends who are believers that will speak Truth into my life as they hold me accountable to living a life for You. And help me focus on things that are worthy of You. Help me love my family well and show them who You are. Oh Lord, help me to choose you above all else, so that one day, all will be able to say that I was a believer who put first things first.

In Your Mighty Name,


Kentucky tattoo artists cover racist tattoos for free: Our calling to extend the grace we have received

By Ryan Denison, as written and posted on The Denison Forum

When Kentucky tattoo artists Ryun King and his colleagues watched “the protests, inequality, and people standing up for racial rights” last summer, they felt compelled to try and help. So when Covid restrictions eased and they were able to reopen their shop, they posted on Instagram “If you have a racist tattoo and you want it gone, I’ll cover it for free. No questions asked.”

As Daniella Genovese writes, the response was beyond anything they could have imagined.  As their post began to make the rounds, people started reaching out from California to New York and even overseas from places like Ireland and South Africa. Now King and the other artists at the Gallery X Art Collective spend every Thursday turning swastikas, Confederate flags, SS bolts, and other racist tattoos into something that can be displayed with pride.  Often, the only things more impressive than the final product are the stories that go along with them. 

As King notes, “I’ve had a father that told me that he didn’t take [his] shirt off in front of his kids ever . . . because of some mistake he made when he was in his early 20s in prison and got in with the wrong crowd . . . I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone go . . . ‘I generally hated this race.’ It was always like ‘I felt pressured into this’ . . . or ‘I thought I was going to die in prison.'”  While their ability to transform racist images into something else is a big part of the endeavor’s success, it’s the promise of “No questions asked” that drives most of the response.  Normally, those who are ashamed of these tattoos are “pretty much at the whim of whoever is going to be able to cover that for you, if you feel brave enough to even enter the establishment to say, ‘yes, this was me, no, this isn’t who I am.'” By creating an environment in which people can feel comfortable owning their past and then move on from it, they have transformed the lives of countless individuals. 

As Christians, we are called to do much the same.

Extend the grace you have received

One of our key callings as followers of Christ is to “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32). 

While we may know and recognize that we are called to exhibit that kind of forgiveness, actually doing so is often much more difficult. And God knew it would be. That’s why our forgiveness of others is meant to be an extension of our gratitude for and understanding of the forgiveness that we have received from him.  When we remember all that he has done for us, it enables us to better extend the same grace to others. That step is crucial, especially when trying to minister to people who look at their past with shame and regret.  However, as Ryun King and his colleagues can attest, creating a safe space where people are not defined by their worst mistakes but rather are free to accept and embrace a new life can enable them to do just that. That should be a defining characteristic of every Christian community.  What can you do to help it define yours? 

GodWink Moments

Submitted by Robin Wiley

My husband and I have been receiving the Guideposts publication, ever since we were married (16 years this year!) from his Mom as a gift subscription. She keeps renewing it, year after year, and I love reading it! It is full of inspirational stories filled with hope. 

My most favorite part to read first is the story in the Mysterious Ways: More Than Coincidence section.  Here are stories submitted by someone who has had a “guardian angel” or what I call – a “Godwink” moment. These moments can only be God watching over us and taking care of us in our times of need. 

I have had many Godwink moments in my life – too many to recount in this devotional – but this I will say. Each time, I recognized the gift of that moment was the Holy Spirit watching over me, saving me, sustaining me, lifting me up or leading me in a different direction. He is always there to help and He “…will never leave me nor forsake me”  (Hebrews 13:5).  

Taken from February 2021 issue by Arlene Malanga Ocean, NJ

There was a touch on my shoulder. A gentle tap. I blinked awake in the darkness of my bedroom. The clock read 2:55 AM. Way to early to be up.

“What is it?” I asked my husband. He was sound asleep. Like I should be. I rolled back onto my pillow.

I’d just started to drift off when I felt it – another tap. Not so gentle.

I shook my husband, frustrated. Finally he opened his eyes and looked at me blearily. “You tapped my shoulder,” I said. “What’s wrong?” He mumbled something, then flopped over. He was snoring within seconds.

Maybe I’d just had a vivid dream. I lay back down and closed my eyes.

This time it was less like a tap on the shoulder and more like a poke. The feeling that came with it was just as insistent: Go to the basement.

At three in the morning? Why? The basement was unfinished, with bare cement floors. The only things down there were the washer and dryer.

The feeling persisted. Go to the basement. I swung my legs over the side of the bed. Fine!

I peeked in our daughters’ rooms. Both were sleeping. I opened the basement door and clicked on the light. What was I even looking for? I headed down the stairs.

Thump, thump, thump.

The dryer! I rushed over to turn it off and opened the door. Inside was a pair of my husband’s work pants. I reached for them – then pulled back my hand with a gasp. They were burning hot!!!  How long had the dryer been running?

I found out later that morning. My husband had spilled coffee on his uniform pants the day before. He’d washed them and thrown them in the dryer just before going to bed. But the dryer malfunctioned and hadn’t turned off automatically. It had been overheating for hours.

If I hadn’t gone down there when I did, a fire could have easily started.

“Lucky break,” my husband said.

I knew it was more than that.  

RW: Another rescue by our awesome and loving Holy Spirit who never sleeps!! We all need to pay attention to those taps or pokes in our lives that point us in a different direction.  We never know when we need saving.

Blessings to you this day! 


Thank you Father for providing me with a Helper who is always watching over me. Thank you for loving me so much to care what happens during my day – even down to the smallest cares such as looking for a lost item. You never cease to amaze me with your generous loving Spirit.  Help me to pay attention to the signs when you are guiding me. In Jesus protecting name – Amen. 


May 24 - daily devotional posted on Truth For Kids daily devotional

2 Samuel 7:1-7, 12-13

A palace and a tent

Things started to settle down in the palace. The Lord had kept David safe from his enemies, and now he was king of Israel. However, David started feeling a little uneasy in his heart. He called the prophet Nathan and said, “Here I am, living in a beautiful palace while God’s Covenant Box is being kept in a tent.”

Nathan replied, “Do whatever you are thinking because the Lord is with you.”

But that night the Lord said to Nathan, “Tell David that he is not the one to build the Temple for Me to live in. I will make one of his sons king and he will build the Temple for Me.”

Is a church building important?

If God is everywhere, why was it so important for David to build a Temple for the Lord to live in?

If we can pray to the Lord and read our Bibles wherever we like, why is it important to go to a church building?

The Bible tells us that all those who believe in Jesus are a part of His body, the Church. That means every believer fits into a special place like a living stone in His Temple. (1 Peter 2:4-5).

But if we, as living stones, are scattered all over the place and never get together, no one would even know that we are part of one big Church. If we only watched a preacher on TV or listened to a sermon on the radio, it just wouldn’t be the same as going to worship the Lord together with other believers.

Although a building is not important, the fact that we should get together is important—whether it is under a tree, in a tent, or in a beautiful stone building. When we get together, God is there!

Verse for today

I rejoiced with those who said to me, "Let us go to the house of the LORD." Psalm 122:1

A Prayer for When the World Expects More Than You Can Give

By Lori Freeland, as written and posted to Your Daily Prayer daily devotional

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

I should be doing laundry, cleaning my bathroom, making a much-needed grocery run, checking my daughter’s homework, calling about a prescription for my son, editing a client’s chapters, and starting my new book—or at least returning my writing partner’s frustrated texts. But I can’t.

Every minute I spend thinking about doing even one of those things tightens my chest, and I find myself trying to breathe under a 100-pound weight.

Crazy, right? Every item listed above is menial. Normal. Things most people do every day—if you substitute my writing tasks for your job.

But I can’t do normal. I can’t jump—or even crawl—out of bed most mornings and look forward to my day.

It’s the expectation of “normal” that feels overwhelming.

I’m exhausted and sad and lost. Every little thing on my to-list, every call from my friends,  and unfinished project makes me want to run away. So I stay in bed, avoid the phone, put off my friends, and procrastinate the things I should be doing until we run out of clean underwear and milk, and I worry the only friend I’ll have left is my cat.

There are a lot of words thrown around for these kinds of feelings—depression, anxiety, grief—but other people’s labels cease to matter when you find you’re the one who can’t get out of bed.

Your story might be different than mine. I’m not a psychologist, and everyone’s situation is unique. All I can share is my experience and what is helping me move forward.

I’ve found Christians are sometimes the worst when it comes to understanding what I’m going through. We’re taught to believe all we need to do is pray harder, believe more, and “turn it over to God.”

And as Christians, we’re blessed to have that option. But “turning it over” isn’t always simple. It’s never been for me. It’s been a process. A long process depending on where I am in my faith walk.

So what do I do while I’m walking the journey God’s laid out for me? While I’m in the process of “turning it over?” What can you do?

As I peel back the covers and step out of bed, I’m choosing to give every second of my day over to God. I’m choosing to tear up the world’s to-do list, walk away from what others expect, and ask God what He wants from me today.

Here's my prayer for me and for you.

Lord, be with me when the only thing I can even ask for is peace. Be in the big moments, the little moments, the in-between and uncertain moments. Thank you that you are, “…not a God of disorder but of peace” (1 Corinthians 14:33 NIV) and that Your peace, “transcends all understanding, (and) will guard (our) hearts and (our) minds in Christ Jesus” ( Philippians 4:7). Help me to trust in Your word and in this verse. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” ( Romans 15:13). I’m so glad You’re a God who understands—even when the world doesn’t. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Editor’s Note: Content taken from “When the World Expects More than You Can Give” by Lori Freeland. You can read that piece in full here. All rights reserved.

The Best Way To Approach the Word of God

By: LYSA TERKEURST, as written for Proverbs 31 Ministries, posted on Encouragement for Today daily devotional

Lee en español

“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)

One of my greatest joys in life is studying God's Word. It hasn’t always been that way, though. I spent years resistant to His Word. Then perplexed by His Word. And finally, so moved by His Word it broke through all my hurt, confusion and rejection. Jesus saved my life. And it was His Truth that rewrote the story of my life. But He couldn't change my story until I embraced His story. And that meant I had to stop viewing His Word as some out-of-date book and receive it as breath and life for each new day. Our response to His Word is very telling of how we view His Word. We see this Truth in a passage of Scripture I would love for us to consider today.

Second Chronicles 34 gives us an up-close look at the life of King Josiah, a man who began seeking God at an early age, “… while he was yet a boy …” (2 Chronicles 34:3, ESV), and continued to respond to God with a heart of humility as he grew. The life of this king who “… did what was right in the eyes of the Lord …” (2 Chronicles 34:2, ESV) reminds me of what theologian and scholar G. K. Beale said in his book, We Become What We Worship: “We resemble what we revere, either for our ruin or restoration.” King Josiah sought after the Lord, and therefore his actions reflected the One whom he revered. The result? The restoration of the people of God for a season under the rule and reign of this righteous and upright king. King Josiah's seeking resulted in repairing the temple of the Lord, which led to the discovery of the Book of the Law. This is where we witness the first of two very different responses to God's Word.

It’s important to note in 2 Chronicles 34:15-18 how Hilkiah, the priest, and Shaphan, the secretary, each viewed the Book of the Law. Hilkiah referred to it by its proper name. However, when Shaphan delivered the message to King Josiah, he simply said that he had been given “a book.” (v. 18a) Clearly, the importance and reverence of this book was lost on Shaphan; however, the response of King Josiah helps us to see the importance of the words of the Lord. Not only did King Josiah tear his clothes upon hearing the Book of the Law, (2 Chronicles 34:19) but he also humbly received correction and moved with wisdom after inquiring of the Lord — choices that ended up impacting the hearts of the entire nation. (2 Chronicles 34:29-33) Sadly, a quick look ahead at Josiah’s family line reveals a very different reaction to God's Word. Instead of reverence or even indifference, Josiah’s son Jehoiakim responded with defiance. When presented with the written word of the Lord from the prophet Jeremiah, Jehoiakim tore the Word of God and burned it in the flames. (Jeremiah 36:23)

I don’t think any of us would go to such extremes. But it still begs us to ask the question: How will we respond to the Word when it is presented to us? Will we be torn in our hearts and drawn to repentance and worship? Or will we remain prideful and resistant?

I believe our answers to these questions hinge on how we view God’s Word. If we treat God’s Word simply as an ancient book with some good principles, we will read it and take from it what we want. But if we truly believe the Bible is the living Word of the one true and holy God, we won't just read it — we’ll let it read us. Our key verse reminds us, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). If we will let it, Scripture can breathe fresh life into us, rearrange our wrong thinking, redirect our wayward heart tendencies and cause us to become more and more humble with each interaction. Though it chronicles events in past tense, the Bible is God's Word speaking to us in present tense. And how we approach it matters more than we know. Because there is nothing more powerful than a person living what God’s Word teaches.

Father God, thank You for reminding me that the best way to approach Scripture is with humility and reverence. Even if the Truth is painful, Lord, I want You to speak to me. I want You to change me. I want to walk in the hope and freedom Your Word is offering me today. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.