First Baptist Church Weslaco—Events

8:30 AM08:30

Vacation Bible School Day Four

Attention Students who have completed Prek 4 - 6th grade!! Join us Monday thru Thursday for VBS, where we will learn about how God loves messy people, like you and me! And how through Jesus, God can take our messes and turn them into a life changing message! What A Mess VBS will be from Monday thru Thursday, 8:30am - 12noon; an adult must walk the student to the check-in table for a security tag that will be required at pickup (a photo of security tag will be accepted).

THEME: students are encouraged to come to VBS ready to SHINE BRIGHT for JESUS for NEON day! On this day students will participate in a glow party AND a paint run, so please send them in clothes they can get messy!

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8:30 AM08:30

Vacation Bible School Day Three

Attention Students who have completed Prek 4 - 6th grade!! Join us Monday thru Thursday for VBS, where we will learn about how God loves messy people, like you and me! And how through Jesus, God can take our messes and turn them into a life changing message! What A Mess VBS will be from Monday thru Thursday, 8:30am - 12noon; an adult must walk the student to the check-in table for a security tag that will be required at pickup (a photo of security tag will be accepted).

THEME: students are encouraged to come to VBS with the WACKIEST hair they can think up for WACKY HAIR Wednesday!

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4:30 AM04:30

Vacation Bible School Day Two

Attention Students who have completed Prek 4 - 6th grade!! Join us Monday thru Thursday for VBS, where we will learn about how God loves messy people, like you and me! And how through Jesus, God can take our messes and turn them into a life changing message! What A Mess VBS will be from Monday thru Thursday, 8:30am - 12noon; an adult must walk the student to the check-in table for a security tag that will be required at pickup (a photo of security tag will be accepted).

THEME: students are encouraged to get with a classmate, or invite a friend and come dressed as TWINS! for TWOsday TWINday!

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8:30 AM08:30

Vacation Bible School Day One

Attention Students who have completed Prek 4 - 6th grade!! Join us Monday thru Thursday for VBS, where we will learn about how God loves messy people, like you and me! And how through Jesus, God can take our messes and turn them into a life changing message! What A Mess VBS will be from Monday thru Thursday, 8:30am - 12noon; an adult must walk the student to the check-in table for a security tag that will be required at pickup (a photo of security tag will be accepted).

THEME: Mismatch Monday ~ students are encouraged to come dressed in completely mismatched clothes! The more mismatched the BETTER!!

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6:15 PM18:15

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 6:15 PM 7:30 PM

Come join one of our Wednesday night Bible Studies groups January through May. (except Family Council nights -Every Third Wednesday).

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Bible Study Activities:

  • FBCW Treehouse Club - Family Life Center - (K-6th Grade)

  • Youth Bible Study - Youth House - Worship, Bible Study, Games, Food and Fellowship. Come join the fun (6th-12th Grade)

  • MOMS Bible Study- Rm. 205 - Women of all ages.

  • English Bible Study - FLC Conference Room - Men and women of any age can join this class

  • Band Of Brothers Bible Study- Rm. 207 - Men's Bible study and fellowship 

Estudio Bíblico - FLC Conference Room - Bible study in Spanish

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9:30 AM09:30



As many of you have seen, due to the rising number of positive COVID19 cases in our immediate area, our Pastor, Dr Steven Parker, and our Safety Committee Chair, Eddie Crist, have decided at the request of County Health Officials, in an effort to keep our church members safe, and help reduce the spread of COVID19, to shift back to our Online Sunday Services, effective immediately.  This Sunday, June 28th until further notice, we will have Sunday Service at 9:30am in Espanol and 11:00am in English live on YouTube.  You will be able to access this through our webpage,, our YouTube Channel, or Facebook page. 

Servicio en Español - 9:30 am

English Worship- 11:00 am

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9:30 AM09:30

Sunday Worship - Live or Online!

Sunday Schedule:

9:30 am Spanish Service in our Sanctuary (In-Person and broadcasted live on Youtube)

9:30 am  High-Risk English Service in our GYM (In-Person for people over age 55 or with underlying conditions that put them at greater risk to the Covid-19 Coronavirus)

11:00 am English Service in our Sanctuary (In-Person and broadcasted live on Youtube

In each of these in-person services we will be practicing strict social distancing protocols and asking participants to wear masks for the wellbeing of the others who are in attendance. See you Sunday, in-person or online!

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9:30 AM09:30

Sunday Worship - Live or Online!

Sunday Schedule:

9:30 am Spanish Service in our Sanctuary (In-Person and broadcasted live on Youtube)

9:30 am  High-Risk English Service in our GYM (In-Person for people over age 55 or with underlying conditions that put them at greater risk to the Covid-19 Coronavirus)

11:00 am English Service in our Sanctuary (In-Person and broadcasted live on Youtube

In each of these in-person services we will be practicing strict social distancing protocols and asking participants to wear masks for the wellbeing of the others who are in attendance. See you Sunday, in-person or online!

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9:30 AM09:30

Sunday Worship - Live or Online!

Sunday Schedule:

9:30 am Spanish Service in our Sanctuary (In-Person and broadcasted live on Youtube)

9:30 am  High-Risk English Service in our GYM (In-Person for people over age 55 or with underlying conditions that put them at greater risk to the Covid-19 Coronavirus)

11:00 am English Service in our Sanctuary (In-Person and broadcasted live on Youtube

In each of these in-person services we will be practicing strict social distancing protocols and asking participants to wear masks for the wellbeing of the others who are in attendance. See you Sunday, in-person or online!

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5:00 PM17:00

Wednesday Night Bible Studies

Come join one of our Wednesday night Bible Studies groups January through May (except Family Council nights).

5:00 PM  Homework House - Family Life Center - eat dinner, work on homework and get some much needed recess (Sorry parents, its only for the kids from K-6th Grade)

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Bible Study Activities:

  • FBCW Treehouse Club - Family Life Center - This semester we will be premiering Paul: The Musical! Come be a part of a great program of music, games and scripture memory. (K-6th Grade)

  • Youth Bible Study - Youth House - Worship, Bible Study, Games, Food and Fellowship. Come join the fun (7th-12th Grade) as they work through I Am Getting to Know God by David Nassar.

  • MOMS Bible StudyRm. 205 - Women of all ages enjoy fellowshipping as they work through Free of Me by Sharon Hodde Miller. Books are available for $10 in the church office but are not required for participation.

  • English Bible Study FLC Conference Room - Men and women of any age can join this class as they continue their in depth study of the Ten Commandments.

  • Band Of Brothers Bible StudyRm. 207 - Men's Bible study and fellowship that is currently studying the Book of Genesis. 

  • Estudio Bíblico Rm. 201 - Bible study in Spanish led by Hno. Lupe Gonzalez.

  • Ruminations - Church Office Conference Room - Pastor Parker leads this small group in a practice of Ancient Spiritual disciplines.

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5:00 PM17:00

Wednesday Night Bible Studies

Come join one of our Wednesday night Bible Studies groups January through May (except Family Council nights).

5:00 PM  Homework House - Family Life Center - eat dinner, work on homework and get some much needed recess (Sorry parents, its only for the kids from K-6th Grade)

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Bible Study Activities:

  • FBCW Treehouse Club - Family Life Center - This semester we will be premiering Paul: The Musical! Come be a part of a great program of music, games and scripture memory. (K-6th Grade)

  • Youth Bible Study - Youth House - Worship, Bible Study, Games, Food and Fellowship. Come join the fun (7th-12th Grade) as they work through I Am Getting to Know God by David Nassar.

  • MOMS Bible StudyRm. 205 - Women of all ages enjoy fellowshipping as they work through Free of Me by Sharon Hodde Miller. Books are available for $10 in the church office but are not required for participation.

  • English Bible Study FLC Conference Room - Men and women of any age can join this class as they continue their in depth study of the Ten Commandments.

  • Band Of Brothers Bible StudyRm. 207 - Men's Bible study and fellowship that is currently studying the Book of Genesis. 

  • Estudio Bíblico Rm. 201 - Bible study in Spanish led by Hno. Lupe Gonzalez.

  • Ruminations - Church Office Conference Room - Pastor Parker leads this small group in a practice of Ancient Spiritual disciplines.

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5:00 PM17:00

Wednesday Night Bible Studies

Come join one of our Wednesday night Bible Studies groups January through May (except Family Council nights).

5:00 PM  Homework House - Family Life Center - eat dinner, work on homework and get some much needed recess (Sorry parents, its only for the kids from K-6th Grade)

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Bible Study Activities:

  • FBCW Treehouse Club - Family Life Center - This semester we will be premiering Paul: The Musical! Come be a part of a great program of music, games and scripture memory. (K-6th Grade)

  • Youth Bible Study - Youth House - Worship, Bible Study, Games, Food and Fellowship. Come join the fun (7th-12th Grade) as they work through I Am Getting to Know God by David Nassar.

  • MOMS Bible StudyRm. 205 - Women of all ages enjoy fellowshipping as they work through Free of Me by Sharon Hodde Miller. Books are available for $10 in the church office but are not required for participation.

  • English Bible Study FLC Conference Room - Men and women of any age can join this class as they continue their in depth study of the Ten Commandments.

  • Band Of Brothers Bible StudyRm. 207 - Men's Bible study and fellowship that is currently studying the Book of Genesis. 

  • Estudio Bíblico Rm. 201 - Bible study in Spanish led by Hno. Lupe Gonzalez.

  • Ruminations - Church Office Conference Room - Pastor Parker leads this small group in a practice of Ancient Spiritual disciplines.

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to May 27

Wednesday Night Activities - ONLINE!

Wednesday nights we will continue meeting via different online social media platforms:

The Treehouse Club children’s group will have weekly videos for families to watch together. Please make time to follow our family devotional reading plan through Easter!

The youth group will be meeting tonight online via Zoom! at 7 pm. Contact Robin Wiley at (956) 998-1288 for more information.

Three different Adult Bible Studies will work through the book of Titus on Wednesday nights via social media. Call or Text Joe Aguilar at 956-534-2043 if you would like to be a part of this study. Spanish study will be at 6 pm and two English groups will meet at 7 pm and 8 pm.

Please prayerfully consider giving in this difficult time to continue supporting these ministries!

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to Apr 26

ONLINE WORSHIP - FBC Weslaco's COVID-19 Response

  • Google Calendar ICS

For the next two weeks, FBC Weslaco will move to streaming services. For more information about FBC Weslaco’s COVID-19 response, read our Pastor’s Blog. Please join us on YOUTUBE on Sundays at 9:45 am (Spanish) and 11:00 am (English) to stay in touch with our Familia of Faith. We continue working with local, state and national leadership to respond appropriately to this pandemic. Church members in need of support during this difficult time should contact the church office - 956-968-9585. If you would like give to continue supporting FBCW ministry in the mid-valley, you may give here. See you online this Sunday!

Wednesday nights we will continue meeting via different online social media platforms:

The Treehouse Club children’s group will have weekly videos for families to watch together. Please make time to follow our family devotional reading plan through Easter!

The youth group will be meeting tonight online via Zoom! at 7 pm. Contact Robin Wiley at (956) 998-1288 for more information.

Three different Adult Bible Studies will work through the book of Titus on Wednesday nights via social media. Call or Text Joe Aguilar at 956-534-2043 if you would like to be a part of this study. Spanish study will be at 6 pm and two English groups will meet at 7 pm and 8 pm.

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5:00 PM17:00

Wednesday Night Bible Studies

Come join one of our Wednesday night Bible Studies groups January through May (except Family Council nights).

5:00 PM  Homework House - Family Life Center - eat dinner, work on homework and get some much needed recess (Sorry parents, its only for the kids from K-6th Grade)

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Bible Study Activities:

  • FBCW Treehouse Club - Family Life Center - This semester we will be premiering Paul: The Musical! Come be a part of a great program of music, games and scripture memory. (K-6th Grade)

  • Youth Bible Study - Youth House - Worship, Bible Study, Games, Food and Fellowship. Come join the fun (7th-12th Grade) as they work through I Am Getting to Know God by David Nassar.

  • MOMS Bible StudyRm. 205 - Women of all ages enjoy fellowshipping as they work through Free of Me by Sharon Hodde Miller. Books are available for $10 in the church office but are not required for participation.

  • English Bible Study FLC Conference Room - Men and women of any age can join this class as they continue their in depth study of the Ten Commandments.

  • Band Of Brothers Bible StudyRm. 207 - Men's Bible study and fellowship that is currently studying the Book of Genesis. 

  • Estudio Bíblico Rm. 201 - Bible study in Spanish led by Hno. Lupe Gonzalez.

  • Ruminations - Church Office Conference Room - Pastor Parker leads this small group in a practice of Ancient Spiritual disciplines.

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5:00 PM17:00

Wednesday Night Bible Studies

Come join one of our Wednesday night Bible Studies groups January through May (except Family Council nights).

5:00 PM  Homework House - Family Life Center - eat dinner, work on homework and get some much needed recess (Sorry parents, its only for the kids from K-6th Grade)

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Bible Study Activities:

  • FBCW Treehouse Club - Family Life Center - This semester we will be premiering Paul: The Musical! Come be a part of a great program of music, games and scripture memory. (K-6th Grade)

  • Youth Bible Study - Youth House - Worship, Bible Study, Games, Food and Fellowship. Come join the fun (7th-12th Grade) as they work through I Am Getting to Know God by David Nassar.

  • MOMS Bible StudyRm. 205 - Women of all ages enjoy fellowshipping as they work through Free of Me by Sharon Hodde Miller. Books are available for $10 in the church office but are not required for participation.

  • English Bible Study FLC Conference Room - Men and women of any age can join this class as they continue their in depth study of the Ten Commandments.

  • Band Of Brothers Bible StudyRm. 207 - Men's Bible study and fellowship that is currently studying the Book of Genesis. 

  • Estudio Bíblico Rm. 201 - Bible study in Spanish led by Hno. Lupe Gonzalez.

  • Ruminations - Church Office Conference Room - Pastor Parker leads this small group in a practice of Ancient Spiritual disciplines.

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5:00 PM17:00

Wednesday Night Bible Studies

Come join one of our Wednesday night Bible Studies groups January through May (except Family Council nights).

5:00 PM  Homework House - Family Life Center - eat dinner, work on homework and get some much needed recess (Sorry parents, its only for the kids from K-6th Grade)

6:15 PM - 7:30 PM Bible Study Activities:

  • FBCW Treehouse Club - Family Life Center - This semester we will be premiering Paul: The Musical! Come be a part of a great program of music, games and scripture memory. (K-6th Grade)

  • Youth Bible Study - Youth House - Worship, Bible Study, Games, Food and Fellowship. Come join the fun (7th-12th Grade) as they work through I Am Getting to Know God by David Nassar.

  • MOMS Bible StudyRm. 205 - Women of all ages enjoy fellowshipping as they work through Free of Me by Sharon Hodde Miller. Books are available for $10 in the church office but are not required for participation.

  • English Bible Study FLC Conference Room - Men and women of any age can join this class as they continue their in depth study of the Ten Commandments.

  • Band Of Brothers Bible StudyRm. 207 - Men's Bible study and fellowship that is currently studying the Book of Genesis. 

  • Estudio Bíblico Rm. 201 - Bible study in Spanish led by Hno. Lupe Gonzalez.

  • Ruminations - Church Office Conference Room - Pastor Parker leads this small group in a practice of Ancient Spiritual disciplines.

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