Proverbs 22:6
Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
I know there is little chance of baseball actually playing anytime soon, but maybe talking about it can make us feel a little better. Lately, all the rage in hitting is about the launch angle of the ball. Balls that are hit in “the sweet spot” with the right launch angle are more likely to result in a hit. If they have the right amount of power, we are talking home runs! ( Of course hitting is an intricate art form, but it seems like if the ball starts right, it’ll end alright.
As parents (and grandparents), we have to know that the ways we start our children will have a direct correlation to the ways they will develop. Just as hitters now spend a lot of time working on the launch angle of their hits, we should Invest in the launch angle of our children. Spending time reading the Bible, praying together, playing together, attending church (online) and doing VBS online are great ways to start children off in the way they should go.
It would have been great if you started this when your kids were babies, but no matter how old your kids are, it is never too late to find the sweet spot of prioritizing God in your lives!