Live Today With Faith and Love

From Robin Wiley:

Here is another treasure from my father-in-law’s collection of memories. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale is the founder of Guideposts, one of my favorite reading materials and also known for his words and wisdom on positive thinking and living.  

Back in the days of the 50’s and 60’s - Dr. Peale and his wife hosted a television program called “What's Your Trouble?” where the Peales read letters from viewers and offered advice and encouragement. I aspire to be like him in that regard with the counseling ministry God has blessed my life. The more we can have a positive mental attitude and belief in ourselves as God’s loving creation, the more we can love Him back and make our relationship with God the top priority in our lives.  

This write-up below is from “A Moment With Dr. Peale” – which he speaks about two days we should not worry about.  Worry is such a burden to carry – right? So why do we do it? I think this reading has much to tell us on how to approach this new year of 2021. May each of seek to make each day of our lives better than the last and be His light to world! 

Live Today With Faith and Love

By Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

In a moment, we’re going to ask God to take away our worries and anxieties. But first, I would like to suggest that there are two days about which we should not worry – two days that should be kept free from fear and worry.

One of these days is yesterday. Whatever happened yesterday, forget it; it is past. Yesterday has passed forever beyond your control. It is gone.

Tomorrow is really beyond your control, too. Until tomorrow’s sun rises, we have no part in it, for it is yet unborn. So why worry about it.

That leaves today. Leave yesterday’s worry behind and live today.


Father God, help us to live one day at a time. Yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, is gone. And there is no point in worrying about tomorrow, for it is yet to come. Let us appreciate today and live it with positive faith and love. We pray for those who are anxious and troubled. May Your everlasting peace fill their minds now with quietness and assurance that this day is good. Even though life may be painful at times, with Your help, we can meet it without anxiety and worry. Take care of us, and help us joyfully to live one day a time. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

-Think positively about yourself…. ask God who made you to keep on remaking you. – Norman Vincent Peale

Happy New Year Family of Faith!!