A Prayer for When You Feel Like a Bad Parent

By Keneesha Saunders-Liddie

Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.  – Deuteronomy 4:9

There is no manual for the children God gives us to raise. There is no one-size-fits-all rulebook. All we can do is our best. My daughter was amazingly low maintenance until she reached 20 months. But now, she is so inquisitive that I have to watch her every move. What has really surprised me, however, is the temper tantrums. They seemed to come out of nowhere. She isn’t two, and yet and she’s saying “no” and throwing things. My daughter can throw many tantrums in a day. Sometimes, I am so surprised by the anger that bubbles up inside of me. At times I get extremely frustrated and I can’t help but compare my reaction to God, our loving father. Unlike me, he is so patient with us and he truly forgives us whenever we mess up.

When we don’t know what to do as parents, we can turn to the Word of God and see what his relationship with us is like. God tells us what we should do with the little ones he has entrusted in our care. As we live out our Christian lives in front of our children, let us be mindful that they are watching us. His Word reminds us to be careful and watch ourselves so that we can be a godly example before our children and our grandchildren. Give yourself grace; you are not God. As you grow in your walk as a parent, realize that God has chosen you, specifically you, for the amazing children he has given to you. He will and is already equipping you for whatever parenting battles you face. As 1 Thessalonians 5:24 tells us, “He who has called you is faithful, he will surely do it.”

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the way you love and constantly provide for me. You have blessed me bountifully with the children I truly love. I can never ever love them more than you do, and so I surrender my desire for control into your loving hands. I ask that you would do the work that only you can do in their lives. I thank you for your provision for the family you have blessed me with. I want to relax and be the parent you want me to be. Lord, although I feel like I’m not doing a good job, help me to do my very best. What may work for my child might not work for someone else, so help me to be confident and at peace that you will equip me for the children I have. I want to teach my children about your love and goodness and all about you so they may grow up to love and serve you.

In Jesus Name, Amen.