By Jim Mitchell
So I flew first class recently. What a waste.
I mean, I didn’t intend to waste it. I actually hadn’t even purchased a first class ticket and was headed to my normal luxury spot by the rear bathroom.
But as I’m boarding the plane, my travel buddy turns to me at row 2 and says, “That’s your seat today,” and keeps walking.
Confused, but with other passengers waiting, I tossed my backpack into the overhead bin, stepped over a man wearing an expensive suit, and settled into my window seat.
And there I sat, puzzled, the entire flight.
I had no clue that my friend, a frequent flyer, had upgraded my ticket using his loyalty points. Another important detail he forgot to mention—the perks of first class.
To be honest, I didn’t even realize I was in first class, which made it super weird watching the guy in the suit ask for a bunch of fancy snacks, an adult beverage, a Starbucks chaser, and a pillow, all while enjoying his free Wi-Fi.
Must be nice, I thought to myself smugly, unaware that the exact same amenities were available to me for the asking.
The irony of my blunder only sank in after the flight when my friend asked, “What’d ya get?”
I’m like, “A Diet Coke. Why?”
He says, “WHAT?! That’s all? I’m never giving you my first class upgrade again!”
Yep, I’m the guy who sat in first class but flew coach.
And sadly, I do the same in my marriage most days, and maybe you do too. So many perks available, but so few of them enjoyed.
Neighborhood walks and talks. Private whispers in public that make you both giggle. Encouraging comments that say, “I see you.” Vacuuming the bedroom before movie night just because. A hand held after a deep sigh. Sweet memories shared over ice cream—one bowl, two spoons. Simple prayers (and maybe a backrub) to end the day.
The sky really is the limit with perks to make your very ordinary marriage feel first class.
Unless you’d rather fly coach? I hear there’s a seat open next to the bathroom.
Heavenly Father, thank you for the special people you put in our lives, please guide us to recognize and cherish the strengths that others and we ourselves bring to these relationships. May we come together and use our strengths for Your glory. Amen.