Pastor Luis Rodriguez
Matthew 28:18a-20
“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
This passage has been life changing for me. It helped me realize that the call to missions is for all of us as followers of Christ, that Jesus has given us the order to go, all of us, not just the missionaries, but for us to enter our mission field. This reminds me of a church that I visited in Houston a few years ago, in their parking lot, as you drive away from church, was a sign that read “You are now entering your mission field, therefore, go and make disciples”. If we look at our lives, we must ask ourselves, “Am I making disciples?” I know that this is a very personal question, but it is a job that we must do. Maybe your mission field is that restaurant you go to every Sunday after church where you are considered a regular, or maybe the hardware store where everyone knows you. Your mission field is in the middle of those who you are closest to, maybe it is your place of work. Where ever it may be, the task is the same, for us to make disciples. We don’t have to travel across the world, because as soon as we leave the safety of the church we are entering the mission field. If we start to look at our community as our mission field, it will transform our way of doing missions.
My prayer this week is that as we move forward and become a mission driven church, for us to always remember that where ever we are, we are in our mission field, and for us to find our mission field in our community, to not be afraid because the Lord it is with us till the end of the age.
May God bless you, and as you pray this week continue praying for our displaced brothers and sisters in Ukraine and continue praying for our mission field that is our city of Weslaco.