No Questions. Just Obedience.

Anyone who loves me will obey my teachings. John 14:23

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 12:2

We have a dog named Taffy. She is part poodle and part chihuahua and called a 'Poochie'.

The chihuahua part is kind of annoying but the poodle part is pretty smart. We both love her and she adores my husband and runs to him when she is scared or just needs some love, but I am her 'person'. She follows me everywhere I go. The closer she can get to me the better she likes it. If I talk to her, I have her undivided attention. No movement, no blinking just staring at me fascinated with my every word.

If I say, 'stop', she stops. (unless there is a cat involved) If I say, 'sit', she sits. If I say, 'drop it', she does. 'Stay', and she stays. (again, unless there is a cat involved)

Of course, I can't say she always obeys but more often than not, she does. Even when she really doesn't want to do what I'm telling her to do like 'Come inside', she comes. That obedience is a little slower but is still obedience!

It sounds funny to say it but I want to have the same unwavering devotion in my walk with the Lord! I want to give Jesus my undivided attention. I want to stare intently into his face fascinated by his every word. I want to constantly desire nothing more than to be as close to Him as possible. When he says, 'stay where you are, stop what you're doing, drop it, or come wherever I lead', I want to obey. No questions. Just obedience.

Holy Father, help me to fix my eyes on You and You alone. Change my heart to hear only words from you and to obey with complete trust and faith. Amen

Janice Curry has been married to her husband Kim for 46 years and has been a member of FBC Weslaco for her entire life. They have two children and five grandchildren. In addition to serving in various ministries at FBC Weslaco, Janice was instrumental in starting the Bess Knapp Day Care, a ministry that still plays a vital role in our community today. Lord willing, you can also hear Janice singing alto in the choir this Sunday.