For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand. Isaiah 41:13a
Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Matthew 19:14
Just shy of 6 years old, I knew I wanted to become a Christian. I walked the aisle alone here at First Baptist Church. Of course, I didn't understand completely how or why the sacrifice of Jesus took care of all my sins, I only knew that it did. My parents and pastor didn't dissuade me, and I joyfully became one of his own. A tiny hand reached up to a holy God and met His hand already reaching down to grasp mine. He knew my heart. He has never let go and holds that very same hand today.
I'd like to say that what followed has been 60 years of selfless, sinless service to my Lord but many of you know me too well for me to get by with that! Granted, there have been times of sweet fellowship walking hand in hand but also periods of time where I strained against His firm but gentle grasp wanting to go my own way. As much as I pulled, He held firm. I was His. I have always known it. Through teenage years, young adulthood, middle age and now senior years, He still holds that same hand. No longer tiny but lined and wrinkled. The same hand he will hold as I someday walk from 'earth to eternity'.
As Vacation Bible School approaches, please be in prayer for the children of our church and community. This is a unique time of saturated Bible study for them.
You never know whose tiny hand will be reaching up to grasp the hand of a waiting Father.
About the Author:
Janice Curry was born across the street from the First Baptist Church Weslaco and lived there until she was 6 years old: so she has gone to this church her whole life…29 years! Actually 67 years in August. Janice was saved in this church as a little girl and continued to attend as she got older. You can see her singing in the choir most Sundays!, something she has done since she was 19. Janice was married at First Baptist Weslaco and her children grew up here as well.