Nothing to boast.

Romans 3:21-31

For all have sin and fallen short to the glory of God. This words in the letter to the Romans, reminds us that we all have sin, and because of this we have been found guilty before God. All summer in the Spanish group we have been studying Romans, and as we had been discussing the letter. We had the conversation that many times in our walk with Christ, we forget to see people as image bearers, and we only see their sin. We find ourselves just as the pharisees, were we look down on those who are guilty before God, and we are not gracious to them or merciful. Then we forget how Jesus has been merciful with us, patient, and we sometimes tend to not be this way to those who do not know Christ.

Mainly the problem is that we want people to come to Christ, but if we don’t treat them as image bearers with patience and mercy, they may never come to Christ. The sinners came to Jesus as they were, but once they had meet Jesus, they were never the same again. They were transformed by the power of grace, and as they were changed, we were changed also, and those who come to meet Jesus today, they too will be transformed.

Let us remember that we all have sin and haven fallen short to the glory of God, and there is nothing for us to boast from only thru Jesus can we find salvation, he has washed our sin, by his blood we have been redeemed. By his sacrifice we can come to the holies of holies to be in the presence of God, not by our works but by the work of Jesus in the cross. We did not do anything to earn that salvation, but it was given to us by grace.                     


My prayer this week is that if we have been like the pharisees in judging others, for God to forgive us of this, and also for us to remember that none of us is worthy of the salvation that God has given us, but thanks to his grace we are redeemed, and for us to show that same grace and mercy to those who don’t know him, for us to let him be known and for other to know him  may God bless you Familia of faith.


Pastor Luis.