Growth Plan by Pastor Ray and Rosie Sanchez (Ray's Mom)

Growth plans are one way to set some goals for yourself that target changes in behavior. These plans often have to do with setting up routines, but at the root is the ability to identify what things may be keeping you from achieving your goals. With God, a real growth plan begins with submitting to His will for our lives. If we are not letting his word transform us by studying daily, lasting change will probably be harder to come by.

As my mom and I recently discussed growth plans, she sent me a text suggesting I read Psalm 139 and Colossians 3 and then added a few words of wisdom I shared below. Enjoy!

Psalm 139:

O Lord, you have searched me and known me!

You know when I sit down and when I rise up;

    you discern my thoughts from afar.

You search out my path and my lying down

    and are acquainted with all my ways.

Even before a word is on my tongue,

    behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.

You hem me in, behind and before,

    and lay your hand upon me.

Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;

    it is high; I cannot attain it.

Where shall I go from your Spirit?

    Or where shall I flee from your presence?

If I ascend to heaven, you are there!

    If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!

If I take the wings of the morning

    and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,

even there your hand shall lead me,

    and your right hand shall hold me.

If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me,

    and the light about me be night,”

even the darkness is not dark to you;

    the night is bright as the day,

    for darkness is as light with you.

For you formed my inward parts;

    you knitted me together in my mother's womb.

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]

Wonderful are your works;

    my soul knows it very well.

My frame was not hidden from you,

when I was being made in secret,

    intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

Your eyes saw my unformed substance;

in your book were written, every one of them,

    the days that were formed for me,

    when as yet there was none of them.

How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!

    How vast is the sum of them!

If I would count them, they are more than the sand.

    I awake, and I am still with you.

Oh that you would slay the wicked, O God!

    O men of blood, depart from me!

They speak against you with malicious intent;

    your enemies take your name in vain.[b]

Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord?

    And do I not loathe those who rise up against you?

I hate them with complete hatred;

    I count them my enemies.

Search me, O God, and know my heart!

    Try me and know my thoughts![c]

And see if there be any grievous way in me,

    and lead me in the way everlasting![d]

Colossians 3:1-17

Put On the New Self

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your[a] life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.

Put to death therefore what is earthly in you:[b] sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming.[c] In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self[d] with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. 11 Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave,[e] free; but Christ is all, and in all.

12 Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, 13 bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. 14 And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. 15 And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. 16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. 17 And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Raymond, wow! I am reading Psalm 139 and Colossians 3 together and how powerful!

Here is the perfect checklist for the  perfect growth plan for all of us. I am embarrassed before God as I read and see how short I fall…were it not for God’s mercy I would be consumed.

May we set our minds on Him …that Christ who is in us may be visible to all around. I dare say too many times I put on my “grave “ clothes. Got to get those out of my closet and dress appropriately for Him.

Love you, Son

I hope we can all create a growth plan that starts with getting those grave clothes out of our closets and dressing appropriately for God! Thanks mom for this reminder, and thank you God for your growth plan that begins by focusing on your grace and mercy!