Our Life’s Worth (A Fantasy Football Devotional)

John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”  

We had our church fantasy football draft a couple of weeks ago.  In our auction style draft, we have a budget of $200 with which we bid on the players we think have the most worth. Many of us made plans to draft the perfect team by researching players and analyzing the different schedules. But in our eagerness to draft specific player, many of us found ourselves overpaying for certain players.  Blowing a big chunk of your budget on one player can make or break your season.  

I overpaid for a couple of the players on my roster and because of this, I was left with very little cap space to build the rest of my team.  As I looked at my roster the day after the draft, reality sank in: I was far away from the perfect fantasy team and my season was possibly over before it even began. As I worked through my buyer’s remorse, I finally realized that there was value in my players. With a “go big or go home” mentality, I committed a big chunk of my budget on them because I believed they will get me the most points. To me, they were worth the hefty price tag.

Similarly, we are blessed because of the worth God sees in us. God’s desire for all humanity to come to salvation had a hefty price: the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. It’s amazing to me that Jesus was willing to go to the cross because of his love for us and because of our life’s worth. God has paid the greatest price for us, by giving his only son for our redemption. Maybe we think that we are not worth the hefty price tag, but to God we are!

Many of us will follow the football season and will make changes accordingly to better our teams and to try to get the most points. But the greatest news is that God will not trade or drop us and his budget of love and forgiveness through Christ is unlimited. He bought us not just for a season, but has paid the price for us for all eternity! God has seen your worth, will you join the call to be part of His team?


Dear God,

May we remember that you see us as people of great value. Thank you for Jesus’ sacrifice of love on the cross. May we should show others the same grace and mercy that has been shown to us so they too can come to know him and make him known to others. Amen.

May you have great weekend and God bless you beloved Familia of faith.


Pastor Luis is the Pastor of Missions and FBCW En Español. He may have spent 3/4 of his budget on Justin Herbert, Tyreek Hill and Travis Kelce…but it paid off in his first week when his team, For the H beat down Logan Urbina’s Late Not Never team.

Catch Ep. 1 of our Church Fantasy Football Podcast if you missed it HERE.