By Robin Wiley
I chose this poem, ‘Street People’ out of my step-dad’s collection because it was so different than all the others he wrote. Del was very descriptive of the life and journey of homeless people, and I think he was fascinated by their lifestyle, because Jesus was drawn to them in the Bible. He felt right at home amongst them, so did my Dad. He would always offer up a meal and a Chick Gospel Tract (published by Jack Chick) to anyone he would see living on the streets. “Food for their stomach and food for their soul” he would say.
People who are homeless need our love and support too. They are not to be discarded or ignored just because they make us feel uncomfortable. Greet them with a smile and send a prayer up to God to bless them in a way only He can.
“Street People”
by Del Korf
I had not shoes – my feet felt dead
I had no cap for my head.
My sleeveless jacket was so old
It had no way to ward off cold.
My pants was worn – my knees were bare
I could not wash my filthy hair.
My socks could no more be called hose
With ragged tops and minus toes.
My underwear is stiff with dirt
Included is my only shirt.
My house is now a cardboard box
It’s small – no room to hang my socks.
My mattress is of paper shreds
A tad better than most beds.
My food? What restaurants throw out,
My hunger makes me go this route.
Help from people? They couldn’t care less,
They say, “These people are a mess
And should be kicked off our street,”
They whisper this – they are discreet!
These people, by us, are called ‘fat cats’
There is not one who wouldn’t kick our “slats.”
They think it would give them satisfaction
To round us up, and put us in traction.
And give to us our daily “dues”
This would not make the evening news.
The government spends a trillion bucks
For Arab war- this really sucks!
If they should spend a measly dollar
On homeless folks, the rich would holler
About the wasting of taxpayers money
And “pork barrel” fraud, isn’t that funny?
We people on the streets are sad
Cause everyone thinks of us as bad.
We have a soul, the same as you
You have a choice at what you do.
Most street people do not have a choice
Nor is it in their right to vote
Their needs and cares, their wants and woes
Be careful! Don’t step on the “toes”
Of City and State “fathers” – that’s trouble
Be sure you don’t burst their ego bubble.
Their ego is their very kids and wife,
Some sell their souls for a ‘song’
They think that they are in the wrong
To mingle with us on the street
It’s here again! They are discreet!
The plight of us now can be told
So that “our rights” would now unfold.
Our rights are few, our sorrows many,
Rich brother, can you spare a penny?
God feeds the sparrows and the bears
He knows the number of our hairs.
Some day He’ll come and claim His own
Believers, He will, their sins atone
And take them to His heavenly home!
He’ll set us down to a banquet royal
The rich only watch, their blood will boil
Because they missed their only chance
To accept the Lord, and their lives enhance.
They ignored what Christians had to tell
Now Satan welcomes them to hell!
You have a chance to avoid this strife
For Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life!
Father God, Open our eyes to your Creation around us – those hurting, the ones seeking, and those who do not know your Son’s gift of love and salvation. Break our hearts to what breaks Yours. Use us to bless others around us in need and to shine Christ’s love to the world. In Jesus holy name - Amen.